dude. that sounds just like my printer. I got mine for 99.99, though I cant remember if there was a rebate, though obviously this was a few months ago so it was probably more expensive anyway. I'm lookin at it right now, its an "HP PSC 1510 all-in-one printer scanner copier"
it works quite well, very easy to use if I do say so. the only annoying thing is that sometimes when it scans it takes kind of a long time - I used to have this scanner thing that was JUST a scanner and it scanned stuff quicker than the combo thing. but also, the thing is pretty sturdy, it has fallen off my desk at college and I have dropped things on it and sort of stepped on it here at my house because its on the floor..lol. and it still works pretty damn well. =)
i did try to find a scanner only, but every place i went to prior only offered extremely expensive scanners, like $200+, not exactly the best deal i could've gotten, so maybe this is a little lowerend model, you say it works well, thats good enough for me. <-period
thats how they should advertise it
does it work well? i haven't hooked it up yet, as you may have read
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