complaint and observation (which i guess could also be a complaint)

Dec 18, 2005 02:39


this is not meant to offend any one of my friends, its just an observation
and maybe an annoyance, but not a personal one

i've just noticed, not more than 10 minutes ago, how most of my close friends tend to be able to find lasting relationships quite easily. i mean, they tend to find someone so easily who loves them completly. let me explain, and i hope i'm not overstepping my boundaries when i say this, but i mean, dan has been together with kristen for almost 3 years now, i think, or it is 4. same with scott, when he was with sarah, they were together for around 4 years, i can't remember the exact time period. Now he has theresa, and they all, dan-kristen scott-theresa, seem so happy together. evie's got that kitty guy (name slipping my mind right now). and they seem happy together. she raves about him all the time.

but over the past fews years, it seems that everybody i've given my heart to has given it back to me in pieces. i don't want to name names here, but theres two people in particular, one doesn't update anymore, and the other knows who she is, i think. its just......i don't know, i feel like i'm always met with rejection. like its so easy for the people around me to find love, but i'm always left to the side, to be hurt. like i said, i give out my heart and have it returned in pieces.

again, i mean no offense in these statements what-so-ever, so please don't be offended or mad at me for saying what i said. its just the way things appear to me.


i have no time for recreation anymore. these two jobs are taking over my life. for example, this is my work scheduale for the next few days.

yesterday (saturday) : target - 12pm - 8:30pm gas station - 10pm - 6:30am
today (sunday): target - 12pm - 8:30pm gas station - 10pm - 6:30am
monday: target - 12pm - 8:30pm
tuesday: sleep
wednesday: target - 10am - 6:30pm gas station - 10pm - 6:30am
thursday: sleep/christmas shop
friday: target 12pm - 8:30 gas station - 10pm - 6:30am (unconfirmed, but likely)
saturday (christmas eve): target - 12pm - 8:30pm gas station - 10pm - 6:30 am
sunday (christmas): gas station - 10pm - 6:30am

after that, i don't know what i'm doing
in case you don't have time to do that math, thats roughly 102 working hours in 9 days. this sucks, but at least i'll be getting money. money to use for college, car insurance, medicine. but at what cost really, after all, all work and no play. i'm fucking miserable working these hours, working this much

and i've used up my break-time writing this and complaining.

you know, according to the law of averages, something really good should happen to me soon, unless i'm the exception to the rule, which i highly expect.

*sigh* oh well, back to work with me.
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