Found out yesterday that there is a conference on this week in Southampton related to my PhD topic... well, less *related* than actually about my topic. The second paragraph of the conference aims is all about what I'm studying. Of course, this means that this is something I *cannot* miss...
Except that I have to. Firstly, I've only just come back from doing research in France, and therefore have no money. The conference would probably cost me about £150 including accommodation and travel. Secondly, I am moving house next week. This is much earlier than we'd anticipated and so I have to use this weekend to pack. If I'd known about this conference before I might have been able to do something about it, but as it was it's been up on the conference board in the department for less than a week. One of the organisers is in my university too, but did an email come around? Did it get advertised at all until this week? No, of course not!!! *pulls hair out*
I can't possibly miss this conference...
But I can't possibly go.
Anyway: on a lighter note.
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