Title: Made For Us 2/?
Author: almicah
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG-13 (For now)
Summary: AU Callie moves back from college.
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual
A/N: Thank you guys for all the reviews, they really make me smile and encourage me to write faster :)
“Arizona” She gave her a small smile. Callie knew that Arizona’s mom owned the bookstore, but she didn’t think that Arizona would be here. They hadn’t talked since the day after their high school graduation. “How are you? You still work here? You haven’t changed a bit since I last saw you” She said coming closer, and before Arizona knew it Callie wrapped her in a hug.
God it felt good, she had missed the latina and seeing her after all these years made her feel so much, mostly embarrassment.
They pulled away and Arizona wanted to run away. Callie was back and she acted like she didn’t remember the time they last saw each other. Maybe Callie was acting this way because she didn’t want Arizona to feel uncomfortable she thought to herself, however Arizona felt uncomfortable anyways.
Arizona gave Callie a smile and nodded her head nervously
“Yup I’m still working here” And then there was an awkward silence and Arizona felt like she had to say something “So you cut your hair?” She said to Callie and immediately cursed herself for not having something else to say.
“Yeah…uhm I‘ve actually had this haircut for two years now” Callie said
“Well I wouldn’t know” Arizona murmured looking through a book about Jewish cooking.
“Yeah about that” Callie exhaled and rubbed her forehead “I’m sorry that I didn’t keep in touch” She smiled apologetically
“It’s okay I don’t really blame you considering…” Arizona trailed of still looking down reading pie recipes.
“What?” Callie asked dumbfounded but soon realized what Arizona meant. Callie had thought about that day many times and regretted her actions. But she still didn’t know what she was supposed to do, she liked Arizona more than she wanted to admit and she was shocked so she ran. Or got a bus to be more precise, because that was what she did back then. “Arizona if you think that I didn’t keep in touch because of the incident at the bus station then you’re wrong.” She said trying to reassure the blonde that she had gotten it wrong.
“Incident?” Arizona laughed looking down at the book before she slammed it shut and laid it down harshly. She then looked up and looked at Callie. In to those brown eyes she used to want to drown in. However now Arizona was pissed. “Is that what you call it? An incident? I poured my whole heart out and you just left…so you said that the incident wasn’t the reason you didn’t keep in touch. So what reason did you have?” She asked lifting her eyebrows waiting for an answer.
“I’m sorry…I…I really didn’t know what to do or to say back then” Callie paused before she continued “I don’t have a reason for not keeping in touch, I really don’t know why I didn’t” She said silently.
“You’re sorry? Well I guess that makes everything just fine” Arizona said sarcastically
“Well Arizona you waited a long time before telling me all that, so you’re not the victim here. You should’ve said something earlier and not ambush me in a raining bus station” Callie replied back starting to feel some anger herself. She couldn’t understand why Arizona was this angry; Callie thought that Arizona would be happy to see her. She knew she was happy to see Arizona.
“You know what” Arizona said walking past Callie and opened the door of the store “I think it’s time for you to go, the other customers are feeling uncomfortable by this situation” She said waiting for Callie to leave
Callie looked at the blonde shaking her head
“What other customers? We are the only people in here” Callie said almost laughing at the bizarre situation
“Yeah well I’m sure Mr. Jennings will be here soon and he is a regular here so I don’t want to lose him since he’s a loyal customer” Arizona said plainly, knowing that she would love it if Mr. Jennings stopped coming to the bookstore
“Mr. Jennings as in the creepy Mr. Jennings that came here but never bought anything he just stared at your mom?” Callie said confused
“He’s buying books now” Lie. Arizona said before pointing on the wall behind the cash desk.
Callie looked where Arizona pointed and saw a pink sign, around it there were butterflies, rainbows, flowers, hearts and other crap.
"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone."
Callie laughed at the sign and looked back at Arizona that wasn’t amused at all. She was still standing holding the door.
“So what you’re going to kick me out of the store?” Callie asked sarcastically
“No I’m not going to kick you out, but I am telling you to go before I call the authorities since your behavior is disturbing” Arizona said, she wouldn’t call the cops on Callie, but Callie doesn’t know that.
“Haha mature, so you’re going to call the cops on me for being in your store? You’re unbelievable and you are quite disturbing.” Callie said and came to the door and looked into Arizona’s eyes, Callie was a bit angrier now. “You haven’t really changed a bit, you’re still the same juvenile Arizona that has never left New Bern” Callie said angrily, but when she saw Arizona’s hurt face she almost regretted saying the last few words. However Arizona had said some hurtful things too which kind of made them even. Kind of
Callie left and Arizona stood at the door and watched Callie walk away. This was not how she thought her first meeting with Callie after all these years would go. She stood for a few minutes crying, both from sadness and anger before walking back to the shelves and started to pick up some books from a box, she then heard the door open.
She quickly wiped away the tears and hoped that it wasn’t Callie coming back.
“Morning sweet cheeks” She heard a voice.
Mr. Jennings of course, who else? Arizona thought to herself.
The day went on peacefully; Arizona sat and read the second book in the Twilight saga. Her younger cousin forced her to read it and Arizona needed the time to pass. When she got home her mom had already made dinner.
“Hey honey, how was work?” Arizona’s mom Kate asked her daughter. Arizona was an exact copy of her mother just 25 years younger.
“The usual mom, Mr. Jennings came and stared, there were a lot of people around lunch time, I had almost trouble keeping up” Arizona said tiredly, she didn’t want to tell her mother about Callie. Kate knew about Arizona’s crush back in high school and bringing up that Callie was there would just make Arizona’s mood even worse.
“Oh honey, Jennings is a creep that I’ll never forget” Kate said remembering him staring at her every day when she worked in the store. Even the older Jennings men used to come to the bookstore and stare and creep out both Arizona’s grand mother and her great grandmother. They never said anything to their husbands since they knew that the Jennings men had some gene that made them like that. And it wouldn’t really help them if Arizona’s father went to prison for assault. Now it’s Arizona’s turn since she’s the one working in the store while Kate works with everything else.
“Maybe we should hire one more person” Kate said, she didn’t want Arizona to have a too big workload.
“Yes mom, even if it would be annoying to have to teach someone about how everything works it would be nice to both have some company at the store and to have someone helping out. But I want to approve of the person” Arizona said thankful for having help around the store.
Arizona helped her mom making food and started to think about what Callie said about Arizona never leaving New Bern. She did leave New Bern; she had a month long road trip with Teddy after the graduation trying to get the Callie-catastrophe out of her head.
“Mom, do you think I’ll get stuck in New Bern?” Arizona said cursing herself for letting Callie get to her.
“What’s wrong with New Bern sweetie? I’ve been here all my life, why did you think about this all of the sudden?” Kate said looking at her daughter; she didn’t understand where this came from.
Arizona shook her head and laughed
“Nothing’s wrong with New Bern mom, you know me thinking about random stuff” She gave her mother a fake smile not wanting to hurt her mothers feeling with saying that there is a world outside New Bern
The two Robbins women started to set up plates the table when Arizona’s father Daniel arrived home. Daniel had been a marine for a long time, but later he started to work as a police officer at NBPD. He was a tall man that looked less intimidating than he really was
He walked over to Arizona and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then he walked over and kissed his wife. Arizona was amazed by how her parents still loved each other after 30 years of marriage.
“How are my two favorite women this day?” He asked cheerfully
“Good” They said in unison and they all gave each other weird looks.
Arizona’s father broke the silence
“So…I met Carlos Torres today or more precisely I pulled him over since he drove his Beemer 20 mph over the speed limit again” He laughed “Anyways he said his daughter Callie was back in town and I know that Arizona and Callie used to be good friends. So I invited them over for dinner tonight” He said smiling proudly thinking he did something good. He and Callie's father had become good friends since Daniel convinced Carlos to accept Callie for who she is. Arizona felt sick for having to deal with Callie again.
She was not in a mood for that.
“Daniel you can’t just invite people, I haven’t made that much food” Kate exclaimed
“Oh come on Kathleen we both know that you always make too much food. Besides look at Arizona” He pointed at Arizona “She’s so thin I don’t think she eats, their daughter Aria doesn’t eat either, I don’t know about Callie but she probably doesn’t eat either and Maria is jammed up with botox so she probably won’t eat much. That leaves us with food for 3 people kind of” He said smiling
Kate gave him a glare
“Okay maybe the part about Maria was mean” He said still smiling
“First of all Arizona eats, Aria eats and Callie probably eats too. Maria doesn’t use botox by the way” She said
“Oh really? How can she look like that then?” He said and immediately regretting what he said
“Look like what? A young model? I didn’t know you looked at your best friend’s wife in that way!” Kate said feeling hurt
Daniel came closer to his wife
“I’m not okay? What I mean was that how can she smile without us seeing the smile. You know that I love you and only you. I don’t even know how I fooled you into marrying me. You’re much better than me” He said pulling his wife into a hug.
“Smooth talker” Kate said hugging her husband.
Daniel looked at Arizona that stood there annoyed and gave her a smile and thumbs up. Arizona smiled at her father for knowing what to say to avoid pissing his wife off.
As they pulled away Kate turned to look at Arizona and decide what they would do.
“Mom I think there is enough food and I’m sure there will be left-overs. I lost my appetite anyways. Would you mind if I went to a friend’s house?” She asked and her parents were surprised.
“Why Arizona? I invited them for dinner mostly so you could catch up with Callie. You’re an adult person and I can’t force you to stay, but it would be very rude to not be here at the dinner.” He said not understanding why Arizona was acting this way, now she was giving him some sort of puppy eyes and that killed him. “Look, your friend can come so we’ll set up one more plate” He said smiling.
“Thanks dad, I’m going to go and call her” Arizona said smiling and hugging her dad.
“So who is this friend?” He asked Arizona
“Oh it’s Sadie” Arizona said smiling before going off to call Sadie.
Kate gave him a glare for inviting more people by the minute without consulting with her. Now it wasn’t just anybody it was Sadie Harris. The pair looked at each other wondering what was really going on.
“I’m going to go buy some alcohol” Daniel said heading towards the door
“What you’re leaving me with all this?” Kate asked feeling a teeny bit of panic. The Torres’s are rich people and even though Carlos isn’t a snob, Maria certainly is. So Kate always felt a pressure having them over. The Robbins family wasn’t poor, they were upper middle class, but they didn’t have a private jet like the Torres family.
“Kate, you have Arizona and I’m a cop so I know when something is up. And something is up and I have a feeling that we will need alcohol for tonight” He said revealing his dimples, which was the only thing Arizona had gotten from her father.
“Yeah ok, well buy a lot then” She said to her husband when he went out the door.
Arizona came down the stairs
“Is Sadie coming?” Kate asked, she didn’t really like Sadie. She was a bit crazy like the rest of her family and she didn’t like having Arizona around her. Sure Arizona was a big girl, but still Sadie was too crazy. She had promised Arizona though that she would give Sadie a chance since she was Arizona’s friend. And she also trusted Arizona so if Arizona saw something good in her friend, then there must be something there.
“Yes she is” Arizona smiled
A/N: I don’t know how good this was, this is kind of a build up for the next chapter that will be the dinner. And trust me the dinner will be fairly interesting.
What did you think of me bringing in Sadie to the story?