Title: Destination 3/?
Author: almicah
Pairing: Callie/Arizona (mentions of Callie/Mark
Rating: PG13 (Maybe a curseword somewhere)
Summary: Callie and Arizona meet halfway...
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
A/N: I’m not really happy with this one… I had a lot of ideas in my head and I can see everything, but English isn’t my first language so I had trouble writing it down. I went out to take a smoke and to gather some ideas… well you guys can judge if it was good or not.
Callie woke up and saw that Arizona wasn’t in the bed. She glanced over at the clock and it was 4.35 am. She wondered if Arizona went back to her room, but then she heard something out on the balcony. Callie got up and looked through the glass doors out on the balcony. There she saw Arizona leaning over the railing and looking out at the ocean in the moonlight. She then saw Arizona holding a cigarette, and she would lie if she said that she wasn’t angry over it. However Arizona isn’t really her girlfriend anymore, she doesn’t even know what they are at the moment which means that she doesn’t have anything to say about that. So she decided to see what was up, Arizona didn’t smoke often.
“Hey” Callie whispered, she didn’t want to scare the blonde.
“Um, hi, did I wake you?” Arizona asked nervously.
“No” Callie smiled tiredly “So..are you in trouble?” She asked glancing at the cigarette giving Arizona a smile. She hated that the blonde smoked, even if it was occasionally, but Arizona’s a grown woman. She doesn’t need someone telling her that smoking is bad.
Arizona then realized that she was caught, but was she really? It’s not like Callie is her girlfriend yet? She thought to herself.
“You tell me” She smirked, before looking down at her feet feeling ashamed. Then the smirk faded and she felt like she was going to cry. Callie didn’t see it at first, but when she did she was confused.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” After a moment of silence Callie didn’t know what to do to make the blonde open up. “You can talk to me?” She said coming closer to Arizona and laying her hands on Arizona’s shoulders. She bent down a little trying to get the blonde to look at her.
Arizona looked up slowly and blue eyes met brown. Callie could see the blue eyes full of tears; she wanted to know why she was crying.
“Arizona” Callie whispered just like in the elevator when they broke up the first time. She reacted the same way now as she did back then.
Arizona crashed her lips into Callie’s, when she felt Callie kissing her back she was seeking entrance with her tongue. Callie responded and soon there was passionate kissing between them, they both have wanted to have this moment for 4 months and now it was here. Arizona knew that this was wrong and so did Callie. The difference was that Callie really knew it. Callie pulled away to meet Arizona’s blue eyes that were in a darker shade at the moment. She wanted her so bad right now, but it was wrong.
“We can’t do this” Callie whispered feeling Arizona’s breath against her lips.
“Why Callie?” Arizona asked, she knew why but she still asked.
Callie looked at her, she couldn’t believe that she asked her that question.
“Why Arizona? First of all because we’re in some kind of limbo and we shouldn’t have sex at the moment. Second, you cried a few minutes ago and you didn’t tell me why. “ She said almost annoyed at the blonde’s behavior.
“I know” Arizona whispered “Okay? I know that this is wrong in so many ways, but how can it feel so right then?” She moved her face closer to Callie’s and sighing “Please…just for tonight, we’ll talk tomorrow” She practically begged.
Callie sighed, she wanted it so bad. Arizona started to take of her shirt.
“Tell me to stop Calliope” She said, but as soon as Callie heard Arizona say her full name and saw Arizona’s stomach she knew she was lost.
She kissed Arizona fiercely with passion and helped her take of her shirt, before Arizona took of hers too. They stumbled inside leaving a trail of clothes after them.
Arizona woke up with the sun shining through the blinds. It took her a few seconds before she realized where she was, in Callie’s room and bed that is. Callie however was nowhere to be seen and Arizona slowly got up. She looked around in the room and then she saw Callie.
She was standing at the same spot Arizona stood by last night looking out at the ocean; the warm breeze was blowing in Callie’s dark hair.
She put her hands around Callie’s waist and Callie sighed and turned around. Arizona was flashing her dimples to her.
“Good morning chingón” Arizona smirked, she barely knew any Spanish, but she had asked Callie to tell her how to say badass in Spanish.
“Good morning” Callie smiled at the blonde’s choice of words. “Look about last night...” Callie started, but Arizona cut her off.
“Was mindblowing” The blonde finished her sentence.
“And wrong” Callie said quietly. Arizona felt a bit hurt by her words even if she knew that she was right.
“Yeah it was… but I’m not regretting it”
“Neither am I, feeling you close to me felt so right, but Arizona it was wrong. Our biggest issue was this, having sex, but not talking about the big elephant in the room.”
“A pink elephant I hope?” Arizona smiled, but when she saw that Callie wasn’t smiling back she knew that they needed to get serious, even if she didn’t want to. “You’re right we need to talk, after we've had some breakfast, I'm starving okay?” She tried to get out of it.
“No not after breakfast, now Arizona. What is it? Why can’t you talk to me? Why are you stalling this much?” Callie asked clearly annoyed.
“Come here” Arizona said taking Callie’s hand and sitting them down by the coffee table. “I need to tell you something, I hate being lied to and keeping things from someone is like lying for me, but if I tell you I don’t know what’s going to happen…” She trailed off
“Arizona it can’t be that serious, you can tell me anything, honesty is the best way to go” Callie said, she tried to stay calm but she would lie if she said that she wasn’t starting to worry.
“I don’t know if it’s like that in this case… Callie..um I…what happened was that I had sex with someone” She managed to get out, she bit her lip trying to read Callie’s face. However she couldn’t, it was blank, and Callie sighed then.
“Okay…um I slept with Mark” Callie said and Arizona winced at the fact “we were broken up and well if you had sex with someone while we were broken up it’s okay” It really wasn’t okay, but she could deal with it. If she slept with Mark then why couldn’t Arizona sleep with someone? However being gay is illegal in Malawi so how did she manage to do that “But how?…I mean it’s illegal being gay down there.
We talked about how it would be for our relationship and all that” She asked
“It wasn’t in Malawi” Arizona whispered, she was dreading this would come up.
“So where was it?” Callie asked, now she was confused.
“It was on the plane” Arizona said sheepishly
“Uhm okay” Callie’s head was starting to work on overdrive “When? Because you were going home…to me now…” She trailed off
Arizona’s breathing became more intense and her voice was starting to shake, she couldn’t form words.
“It was on the plane down” She said quietly, feeling like she wanted to run away.
“On the plane down?” Callie’s eyes widened in shock mixed with anger. She started to shake her head and gave out some sort of laugh that confused Arizona. “This is unbelievable, you are unbelievable” She raised her voice. “You slept with someone hours after we broke up! And then you had the guts to throw the whole Mark thing in my face. I waited more than a month at least to have sex with my best friend, I didn’t even enjoy it. You however joined the mile high club!” Callie yelled and was starting to get up, but Arizona grabbed her hand.
“It wasn’t like that okay? I was hurt and sad and cried for hours on the plane staring at your seat. And then this girl winked at me and when I was going to the toilet she came up and talked to me. Somehow one thing lead to another, it was over before it even begun. It meant nothing…nothing, I was thinking about you the whole time, I don't even remember her name” She fought to hold the tears back, she didn’t want to seem weak right now
“Wow that makes me feel so much better” Callie scoffed.
“I was wrong, I know that Callie. I had sex with her, it was 10 minutes okay?”
“I don’t want to hear this” Callie said pulling out her hand and went in to the room.
Arizona got up quickly and followed her.
“You had sex with Mark!” Arizona yelled after Callie, which made the brunette to turn around and frown at Arizona.
“Yeah I had sex with Mark, my best friend and it meant nothing”
“It meant something to me, after all the talk about me being afraid you would sleep with Mark you then slept with him. Was it revenge or what?” Arizona asked
“No! You don’t get to do this! You don’t get to turn this around and point finger at me. I’ve been giving myself a hard time for that and now I see that I shouldn’t have” She paused “Clearly this was a mistake, I don’t even know you” She said walking towards the door.
“Where are you going? We’re in the middle of a conversation” Arizona asked, She couldn’t believe Callie was leaving in the middle of this.
“I’m going to the beach” Callie picked up a few things and shoved it in the beach bag. “And FYI, this wasn’t a conversation, this was a fight. I can’t deal with this right now, I can’t even look at you right now” She said walking out and slamming the door.
Arizona lied down on the bed and started to cry heavily
“What have I done” She whispered to herself.
Callie could hear the sobs from the other side of the door and leaned back on the door feeling her eyes burning from anger and sadness. She was torn, what she needed to do know was to think. Back in Miami she always went to the beach to do that, clearing her head by listening to the waves was always helping. She wasn’t sure if it would help this time though. She started to walk away slowly.
A/N 2: So what did you think? Are you team Callie or team Arizona??