... I've been busy. :->
John and I are proud to announce the arrival, vigorously yowling, of our firstborn daughter.
The statistics, because we're all geeks here:
- Name: Rebekah Miranda Mason (Beka or Beka Mira for short)
- Date and Time: February 17th, 2009; 3:56 AM
- Birth Weight: 8lbs 9oz (3895g)
- Discharge Weight: 8lbs 1oz
- Height: 20.87in (53cm)
- Apgar Score: 9 at birth; 9 at 5 minutes of life
- Poopy diapers: 2 so far
- Feedings: 4 on 2/17, 8 on 2/18, 5 on 2/19 so far
We're leaving the hospital soon. More details (including probably a long rambling birth story), um, later sometime.
Short version: All is going Very Well, on all fronts.