Three things I shouldn't'a oughta bought

Apr 07, 2006 10:54

One of them being, well, a con last weekend. :-> But I've been explaining my two other recent pieces of fiscal irresponsibility/moderately-big-ticket-purchases to myself as birthday presents.

And I do, technically, have the money to pay for them without going more deeply into debt; it just keeps me from getting OUT of debt as fast as I would otherwise do, which is kind of a bad thing.

The first thing was a portable copier to bring to FKO (the con I shouldn't'a oughta been at anyway ... oops), which was a great hit and very useful to me as well; its tip jar will be paying for a replacement toner cartridge, and it already repaid me for the paper used that weekend. So that's all right.

The second thing strikes me as somewhat more frivolous, but very 'wanted'. I was going to get a really neat one from Peter Cox at FKO, but he didn't have any with him; in websearching later I found quite a quality version available for a rather reasonable price, failed my willpower roll, and bought it. It occurred to me yesterday that I could go to my dad and kind of shake him down for partial sponsorship on it ... and then it occurred to me that you folks might, in fact, be willing to 'take up a collection' via my Paypal account to chip in towards the pressie, which would then be from All Of You.

Given that it's a musical pressie, anyone who chips in gets at LEAST two songs played for them on it the next time I encounter you, and a name/appellation of your choice neatly and permanently written on its inside (for my memories) with 'Happy Birthday 2006'.

If you would like to sponsor some percentage of my new bowed psaltery, click below; please leave the name you'd like to have put 'on the card' in a comment through their interface. If you don't paypal but do really want to chip in, comment and we'll figure something out via email.
Update, 4/10: The psaltery is now just about half sponsored! Yay!

financials, good things, music, pressies, teh intarweb

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