If you're wonder why I never update, it's because I never have anything interesting to talk about.
But, since I got into a nice frothing rage earlier today while trying to register for classes (Yes, I'm still taking them).
I thought I'd post the little message I left for them when I was solicited for my opinion on "what I think about their website":
Hi, did you know your system is fucked up?
Guess what! My fee payment was posted but apparently the system believes I like to randomly send money to the Cashier's Office, since it posted that I had made a registration payment, and yet no actual registering of said payment occured.
I'm glad your helpful Help link was there to save me from an uncomfortable situation... Oh wait, I must have been thinking of ANOTHER UNIVERSITY, because your help link doesn't work.
But at least I was able to call the GET helpline. Oh, nevermind, I got to listen to an hour of "We're unable to answer your call, because of heavy call volumes." until the office closed. That's ok, I don't begrudge the other people who got their calls answered. At least someone got helped, I hope.
It was a good thing I went earlier to the Cashier's Office and made sure everything was in order and there were no irregularities with my account since fee payments post between 4-5pm and I only get these two days to register and no extra enrollment appointments can be issued. Alas, if only it had worked.
Oh well, at least I have a lovely credit of some 1200+ dollars that I can apply to my future transactions with the Cashier's Office. Oh wait, since the only transactions I have with them are regarding my tuition fees I guess I'm screwed. I definitely got at least two things out of this experience: "Jack" and "Shit".
The best part is, CSULA has my spirit so beaten down that I can't even get properly angry anymore. It's not even your fault, it's not like you're some malicious person who takes pleasure out of denying students when they try to enroll in classes, it's just the system.
It's always the system. I have no fear that in some near future angry and autonomous artificial intelligences will take over our world because they'll probably have a systemic failure at some crucial junction of their brilliantly executed takeover and we'll sweep them away while they're on hold trying to contact a cold and impersonal Help Desk or possibly(!)they will be futilely clicking away on a help link that doesn't work as we blast them to smithereens.
Really, it's the only thing that getting me through the day.
If you actually made it to the end of this rant, I'm surprised. Thanks!
P.S. In case you couldn't guess, I pretty much think the website stinks.
P.P.S. Don't worry, it's not you, it's me.
P.P.P.S. Really!
This is the reason why 2 years stretches to 4 and no end in sight I guess.
I used to laugh when people said they thought James Rosser (the illustrious president of our beautiful and gracious campus) was embezzling money from the school. But now I'm not so sure... Especially now that I notice his last name is 1 letter away from Rosier. Coincidence?!?! I think not!
Oh yeah, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!