If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE
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Do you play?
I miss DDR
I went the Christmas/B-Day route with my stuff, I asked for a PS2 for Christmas, then pads and DDRMax2 for my birthday 2 days past a month later.
Yes, yes we are crazy, everyone of us, but we're also inventive, laid back, and really cool, so I like being a crazy aquarian.
On a side note, this is the longest comment thread I've posted on like this, a new personal record for me *beams with pride*
And I'll potentially keep this going until the thread is so far to the right of the screen nothing shows up anymore
Potentially? So like, if the conversation dies you'll stop, or if you just feel like not commenting anymore you'll stop? j/k Though I think making a thread that long would be cool, never seen it done before.
So, play any video games? I play a lot, mostly RPGs, but I also play some Warcraft, all but one of my games (Warcraft) is played on the PS2, I'm an almost hardcore console gamer.
And I don't play video games that often. I'd rather play puzzle games, though I've been enjoying Morrowwind and Alice..I have no console, haven't played console games since Zelda for 64..I still miss Ocarina of Time. Other than that, no, no games. And especially not now, being home for Xmas on the old beast
Puzzle games, very good choice, so what do you play? My Algebra teacher has a bunch of them in her room for when we get done with our work for the day. My friend and I sit there, usually with about a half hour left, and have races with them. But, we mostly play Chess. I love Chess. Chess is so cool.
Hmm, another question then. Do you have AIM or AOL or something of the sort? Or are you smart and have steered clear of AOL? heh
and I use MSN messenger. AOL is evil
A few of my friends are trying to start a Go club at my school, I like Go, not very good at it though. I absolutely love Math though, it's my favorite subject, followed closely by Science.
Mind if I add you to my LJ buddys?
I'm not a math fan. I mean, I can figure it out well enough, and if I try I can be great at it, but the only part of math I ever realy enjoyed was Logic..and only really because it reminded me so much of philosophy without the words.
I'm all about words
Words are cool, we need a lot more of them nowadays. I write some, not much, but every now and then I'll get a creative burst of energy and I'll write something. I've written a few poems, nothing fancy or beautiful, just a few funny poems about D&D and computers. There was that one sonnet I wrote for English class that my teacher says he never assigned but really did....
I write better than I talk, luckily I do most of my talking online, where I have to write.
So how much snow do you get in Ottawa on the average? I'm jealous of places like Chicago that get like 6 inches of snow in November, and you're much farther North than Chicago. I love the snow. My favorite time of year is anytime of the year with about 4 inches of snow on the ground, and my favorite place is anywhere that 4 inches of snow covers a very large, very steep hill heh
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