May 29, 2005 12:26
Some Champions:
Champion of Terror:
Fear is the ultimate power; so says those who chose to embody it in all its forms, the Champions of Terror. To say that all of them are evil, or malevolent, is a false assumption; embracing fear is the first step to overcome it, and fear can lead to good actions from people who fear for the consequences of their own evil. Still, all Champions of Terror are a little touched, because they skirt the edge of sanity by attempting to harness and destroy the survival instinct people possess.
Special: A Champion of Terror gains Sense Motive and Intimidate as class skills; they can see what scares a person, and how to use it to his best advantage.
First Level: Instill Fear: The Champion of Terror can cast Touch of Fear once per day.
Fifth Level: Afraid of Nothing: Due to the Champion of Terror’s mastery of fear, he becomes immune to it in all its forms.
Tenth Level: Those Terrifying Eyes: Once per day, the Champion of Terror can cast Gaze of Terror once per day.
Fifteenth Level: Presence of Terror: The Champion of Terror can attempt to channel the power of fear around him. As a standard action, he lets out a yell that strikes a primal chord in everyone within 30 feet. They must make a will save equal to 10+one half the Champion’s class level+the champion’s Charisma modifier, or flee from the Champion for one round per level of the champion. This ability can be used once per day per point of Charisma modifier.
Twentieth Level: Mastery over Mind: Because of their association with fear, the Champion of Terror cannot be effected by Mind-Effecting spells, or Psionic spells that deal ability damage (they are still vulnerable to HP damage.)
Twenty-fifth level: Rule Through Fear: Once per day, the Champion of Terror can attempt to use his mastery of fear to control one individual; he gains the ability to cast Dominate [Greater] without the truename component. A Champion of Terror can only Rule Through Fear one creature at a time; the immense power needed to manipulate the psyche of the person is draining.
Avatar's Allies: Your avatars are shreiking Gargoyles; when they deal damage to something, the creature attacked must make a will save (DC: 20) or become Shaken. This is a mind effecting effect.
True Shield: Whenever you charge with your true shield, creatures within 30 feet of you must make a will save as per the Presence of Terror ability, or flee.
True Weapon: Your weapon is made out of a furious red energy; when struck by it, a creature must make a will save (DC: 10+half your champion level+charisma modifer) or be shaken for the next round.
The Champion of Self
A Champion of Self believes that she, herself, is the greatest cause. Not immoral manipulation to gain power, but a path of personal perfection. Her desire to realize her fullest self grants her the abilities of this class.
Special: The Champion of Self receives a +4 bonus to saves against the enchantment school; their sense of self is well defined, and not open to manipulation.
1st Level: Stand Alone: When fighting with no allies within 30 feet, the Champion of Self gains a +2 to attack rolls.
5th Level: Leave the Rest Behind: The Champion of Self can take an additional move action once per day per two levels, so long as she ends her move 30 feet away from an ally.
10th Level: Watch Your Own Back: The Champion of Self cannot be flanked.
15th Level Not Different; Just Moreso: The Champion of Self can cast Greater Ability Boost, once per day, with a target of self only.
20th Level: No Ones Plaything: the Champion of Self is immune to Enchantment spells.
25th Level: Master of Myself: The Champion of Self can cast perfect health once per day, as a free action.
Avatar’s Allies: The Avatar’s Allies appear as shadowy duplicates of him or her, and deal damage of a type (slashing, piercing, etc) of the same type that the Champion weilds.
True Shield: the Champion of Self’s true shield deals 2d8+ the Champion’s Charisma modifier to anyone who attacks and misses him or her, so long as he or she is fighting with no allies within 30 feet.
True Weapon: The Champion of Self’s true weapon grants a +5 bonus to damage whenever fighting with no allies within 30 feet.