Apr 29, 2005 00:59
Soc paper is done. So now I shall:
Work on shakespeare paper some.
Spend tomorrow reading some critics of Macbeth, and reading history for the paper monday.
Spend Friday night doing the debating point, and drinking a TON of soda. And I mean a lot.
Sleep in Saturday, wake up, hit shakespeare hard. Play some UT, maybe come DMCIII.
Sunday, get halfway through the His paper due friday.
Monday, try to finish the his paper.
Tuesday, start hitting Shakespear, hard. Try to get done with it on Friday. Tuesday should be a study day, Wednesday and thursday, writing times. Friday is also writing. Saturday and sunday might be a day off, depending on how much I get done.
Monday, start on the history paper due that friday. (Snap, yo.)
Tuesday, turn in the shakespeare paper.
Wednesday, finish history paper.
Thursday: Philosophy study. Make a huge ass graph of everybody in Excel or something.
Friday: Two finals
Saturday: Final
Sunday: clean, study, sleep.
Monday: clean and study
Tuesday: Final, finish cleaning, pack up, head out.
Try to sub for a week or so at the schools in PC.
Head back to Danville for my summer job.
If I can make it to then.