Museo de Arte Contemporaneo - Parte 2

Oct 07, 2009 22:44

The museum was fun, although smaller than I had expected.  There were two exhibits - Rodolfo Nieto on the first floor and Víctor Rodríguez on the second floor.  We weren't allowed to take photos inside the museum, so I only have photos of the outside, but that will have to do.  I did manage to write down my favorite paintings by the artists.  I also looked for them online, but after seeing the real paintings, the online copies look dumb.

All of the following paintings were done by Rodolfo Nieto (I didn't really like Rodríguez's work.)

Violinista - Nieto had a set of paintings where he painted musicians, and I liked this one the best of them. (Being in band, I HAD to have a favorite musical one.)

Nocturno de Oaxaca - This is a nightime painting of the Oaxaca countryside.  Nieto was from Oaxaca, so I look forward to going there for Día de los Muertos and seeing how much his paintings reflect the state itself.

Paisaje aéreo - This is supposed to be of the Oaxacan desert; ditto previous comment.

Día de Todos los Santos - What I loved about this painting is the way Día de los Muertos and Día de los Santos were combined - there's a church in the hills of the painting, but if you look at the purple designs throughout the painting, you can see a skeleton that represents the celebrations of Día de los Muertos.

Epitalamio II - This was the first painting I saw when I went into this section of the gallery, and immediately I liked it.  It is full of vibrant purples to which I reacted.  In looking at the painting later, I realized I didn't really like the image, but rather I liked the colors and textures.  The paint is globed on in little balls and swift strokes and mixed to create the feeling.  This image connected me with the painter - I could actually feel him as he worked on this painting to create what he felt inside him.

Jirafa - And of course, I had to like a childish painting too!  This is a giraffe, and I think it's gorgeous. I love how the artist used designs inside the giraffe's body and darkened the space around the giraffe. (I guess this is called "negative space".)  I did manage to find this painting on the internet, but it is nothing like the painting looks and feels in real life.

Of course, I got absolutely nothing done today.  (I'm reminded of how much time LJ can take to set up in order that you like the way it looks.)  I'm still not completely certain I'm happy with it, but it's good enough for now. By random chance I found a Monterrrey icon (see above - that's the Cerro de la Silla) so that is certainly exciting.  Big day tomorrow - my visa is in, so I need to pick that up, and I should check the international office for mail.  Eventually, I need to study for my Residuous Peligrosos exam also.


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