Apr 09, 2008 18:04

Everyone is asleep. Really, Beth comes over to visit and Caleb, Matt and her all pass out, leaving me the only one awake, since I have to study for my classes. (Not that Matt and Caleb don't) Anyways, I'm really just writing this post as a warm-up writing exercise because I need to get going on my college writing homework. I don't want to do it, but not because I'm not motivated, just because I hate having open-ended writing assignments. I don't know what to write because I have too many options, and I don't want to write because I'm worried it won't be what the teacher wants.

I do suppose I can do research, though I'm not exactly sure what that entails. Our teacher is a bit vague on all of our assignments, actually. It sucks, because I have to meet her Friday at 3:00 PM and I don't want to have done nothing. In other news, I talked to (non-Amesbury) Alex today about sound stuff and midi-pickups, which was both fun and enlightening. I really hope I have some free time soon so I can work on electronics projects with him because we could make some really sweet stuff.

I've been working with Renoise in the few minutes I have in between studying and I've managed to find some nifty features that I'd been overlooking before. I haven't really composed anything over two bars, but I've been getting some good mastering practice in, (since I've been working with more melodic content recently) which will be good when/if I get myself a mic/mixer/new sound card.

I think I'm going to save my essay for the bus rides and work on getting research material. Then maybe I'll start my writing assignment so I'll feel motivated to finish it. I have a tendency to enjoy writing once I start, but it takes quite a bit to get me going in the first place.

Meh, I've been really tired, but I can't sleep. I guess it gives me more time to do homework, though.
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