Drabble: Stay

Jan 31, 2010 09:27

Got the idea for this drabble when I was folding clothes this morning.

Couple: Troy & Sharpay
Rating: T(ish)
Word Count: 332

Troy stared at her in disbelief.

“You want a divorce?” He finally repeated.


“You want to divorce me so you can marry the guy you had a crush on in high school,” he spoke, letting the unrealness of the situation soak into his head.

“It was more than a crush,” she snapped.

“For you, but you told me yourself that he didn’t even know who you were in high school,” Troy retorted.

“Yeah well he told me he loves me now,” she stated.

“Nice guys don’t do that!” Troy roared. “Nice guys don’t tell another man’s wife that he loves them. Nice guys don’t come in from left field and break up a family.”

“But he is a nice guy,” she insisted.

“No he’s not,” Troy shook his head. “And I’m not letting you go, Sharpay. He had his chance and he missed it. You belong to me and our kids.”

“I don’t belong to anybody,” she retorted. “I’m a grown woman, Troy, I can do what ever I want.”

“I didn’t want go here, but I swear to God, Sharpay, if you file for divorce, I will seek full custody of our children and I will win,” he threatened.

“You’d drag our children through that?” She asked appalled.

“You’d drag our children through a divorce for him?” Troy tossed back.

“Why are you being so difficult about this?” She asked. “Why can’t you just give me what I want?”

“Because you’re not thinking straight,” he stated. “I know your heart and the kids and I are what you want.”

“But I hate it,” she cried. “I hate being a soccer mom, sitting around the house or cleaning while everyone else is gone.”

“You don’t have to be a soccer mom,” Troy stated. “You can go back to school, get a job, volunteer, or what ever you feel like doing. We’ll figure it out and stay together.” He looked at her emotion-filled brown eyes. “Just promise me you’ll stay.”

“I’ll stay.”

fandom: hsm, hsm_couple: troy/sharpay, hsm_char: troy, hsm_char: sharpay, type: drabble, rating: t/pg-13

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