Jul 31, 2005 23:35
Second of all, the highlight of my day, other than Jason calling me, was my baby cousin pulling her bike off of some rocks and positioning it so the back wheel was just off the ground while she peddled away and didn't go anywhere. It was the cutest, funniest thing ever!
I went and played BINGO tonight. It would figure that Jason ACTUALLY called me for once, but it was while I was playing BINGO. So now he says I'm a BINGO freak. His current away message even states "its official, allie has now crossed over the line. She has now become . . . A BINGO FREAK!!!!!! what is this world coming to . . .". OH well, he'll get over it.
Went to the cemetary today to put some flowers out by mom's grave. The headstone is in now. It looks beautiful, but the vase has a hole in it, so it's gonna get sent back tomorrow for a new one.
I finished Harry Potter on Friday. WOW!! The ending was AMAZING! I don't know what I'm gonna do til the next one comes out. Probably just continually reread the first six so I can pick up on more clues as to what's gonna happen in the end! Its so bad, after finishing this one, I'm obsessed. I've started rereading the whole series. I have to at least get through the fourth one before November when the movie comes out. I want to have finished reading it the day before I go see it, so it's all fresh in my mind.
Harry Potter Quote of the Day: Sirius Black to Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - "Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?!"
Well it's off to bed for this girl cuz I gotta wake up early to get me some new glasses that actually work!!!
Good night yall!!!