Apr 22, 2008 20:47
1. If I could afford it I would pay for bi weekly hair removal on my arms, bikini, and face- year round. I love grooming.
2. I still talk to myself.(OUTLOUD) Especially when I go walking.It's a habit I've had since childhood.
3. I love my car. I know it's wrong to love a possession but, I do.
4. I worry often that I will never find the perfect balance between my friends and my boyfriend I still long for those crazy days with Diany, Jill, Alicia and Dawn. But I wouldn't trade my life that I have now to have that back.I just miss them, you know?
5. I fantasize about my wedding. Not actually being married, just the wedding.
6. I really like the missionary position ( I know no one is really surprised)
7. I love trash TV it's mindless and it helps me unwind ( of course I'm talking about The Hills, Kardashians and Rock of Love)
8. I'm still shocked when people like me, I reconnected with old friends(from high school) over the holidays and I was shocked at how happy they were to see me.
9. I know that being happy and settled in a relationship centers me and gives me the security I need to pursue my career. (it also gives me a kick in the pants when I need it! He's my partner in crime!)
10. Knowing that I'm moving to NY is the most thrilling and devastating thing in my life. I am exhilarated and grieved when I think about being so far away from my family.
I want Alicia to fill this out!!
Dawn did it first so now it's your turn!