Title: Beep.
allysonmae18Length: One-Shot
Pairing: Yoochun x Changmin
Genre: Angst, Smut, Romance
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and any resemblance between the characters and persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Summary: Changmin fools himself.
He hates himself because he's such a liar. )
Can I hug you?! ASDFGHKLL;D We're all perverts around here. Haha! There's nothing to be ashamed of!
Thank you so much! I slaved over writing the smut part for this.. I was afraid I might lose the plot. T_T I'm a sucker for incest. I'm a sucker for Yaoi. :)) Haha! Yaoi + Incest = OMGSUNHEAVEN♥
I woke up to this story begging to be written. It was so sudden, I couldn't say no to writing it. I can not write chaptered fics for the life of me.. Because I suck at updating regularly. :)) I'm trying my best to come up with a sequel.. Although I think it might be hard.. Incest.. I can't imagine a happy ending. I can't get them together because they're brothers.. Sigh. But I am.. I'm trying my best. Don't hate me for not having a sequel.. Or a prequel.. T_T
Thank YOU for reading this.. And leaving your wonderful comment! :D No, I always have writer's block. I can't be cured of it. D':
Ahhh I totally understand about sucking at updating regularly ... in another fandom I write fics for, I think I update like every 3+ months OTL I feel sorry for my readers ~~ but anyway ...
FFFFFFFFFFFF THERE HAS TO BE A HAPPY ENDING FOR INCEST D; IT'S POSSIBLE DAMMIT!!! HHAHAHAHAAHAH jks jks ^___________________^ if u really can't write it, I won't hate u ;_____; /sobs
I'll still love u and ur fics :D ♥
I still love you and your comments!:D
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