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I missing my boys, and I'm incredibly pissed. INCREDIBLY. D:<
I felt a bit mad, and sad and pissed.. I don't really know. Why? Because I went to this music store, and of course they sell TVXQ CDs, so.. EVEN IF I ALREADY HAVE THEIR CDs, I LOOK AT THEIR CDs and touch them and read them. Pathetic, I know.xD But that's besides the point..
While I was looking at this B2ST CD, two girls came into the KPOP section and fangirled about how awesome Super Junior is (They ARE awesome. I know.) THEN, THE OTHER GIRL TOOK TVXQ's CD, so I thought.. "Oh! A fangirl!" BUT then, she's like, "Tseh~ DBSK? They're disbanding anyway, who would buy their albums?" The other girl answered, "Certainly not me. Hello? 700 pesos for an album?" The other then said, "Cassiopeia may be the biggest fangroup but let's see where they'd be when DBSK disbands." WITH A FUCKING SMIRK. A. FUCKING. SMIRK.
More than hurt, I felt mad, because HOW COULD THEY TALK ABOUT TVXQ LIKE THAT? Certainly, I know better than to get mad, but when you're there, when you hear and see them badmouthing them.. I just couldn't help myself. So, I walked up to them, spoke to them, as politely as I could and said.. "What would Super Junior think when they hear you talking about Dong Bang Shin Ki like that?" These girls just had the nerve to act like Smart Alecks and talk back with "They won't hear anyway wouldn't they?" Oooookay~ That was it, they were about to hit the last nerve.. I was surprised myself at how I managed to stay calm through the whole thing. So then I said, "That's why I said 'if', right?" Then the other girl asked me with, "You're Cassiopeia no?" Of course, I said "Yes." Then one said, "Why don't you just accept defeat? You read the news right?"
I stepped back, to keep from bitch!slapping here to the North Pole. I answered back with a simple, "I'm not giving up now, I'm not accepting defeat... EVER. Because I want to be a Person the boys(TVXQ) will be proud of." With that, I walked away. The saleslady tried to stop the brewing fight, but I don't want to cost a scandal.. So I just walked away with out looking back at their faces.
Seriously, I was about to burst, but I waited until I got into a cab before I let the water works commence. Thus, my bug eyes. Thus, my runny nose. Thus, my foul temper.
미더요, 동방신기 사랑해~
I have nothing against Super Junior, or any member of Super Junior for that matter. So its cool. :)
Also, sorry, if some of you may not agree to me confronting them, I just felt the need to defend my fandom, defend my boys, and defend Cassiopeia. Please understand.
I'm reposting this for others to read. I'm not posting this to pick a fight, because as I said, I have NOTHING AGAINST SUPER JUNIOR. I just want every one to know Cassiopeia only want respect and understanding during these rough times. Please, we don't need people telling us to give up.. Because WE WON'T.
Also, if anyone would want to repost this anywhere else, let me know and credit me as anonymous. :) However, if you plan on reposting this here on LJ, then please credit my user name. :) Thanks!^^