"I'm not dumb dumb, like I'm not going to eat my own poop, ya know what I mean?"

Jul 28, 2006 22:13

Tuesday I had a voice lesson, and ick the district piece is so painful.  I'm just hoping I'm painfully comfortable with it by pre-auds.  Aunt Mary and Grandpa came with us, and we're driving through Pittston, and my Grandpa goes, "when I was a kid, you'd be afraid to walk through this town alone.  All them mafia guys.  Hey, I know some mafia guys..." and he started rolling off names.  So if I'm ever in serious trouble, apparently we have mafia connections.  Good to know.

Wednesday was my dad's second anniversary since the day he quit smoking.  Since he hates fathers' day, I was going to make it his own special day.  Of course, Ange ruined it.  I love her, but she is good at ruining things.  I'm not even sure what happened, something with her parking in front of the pissy neighbor's house, but I came downstairs when she got home, and she was crying, and her and my parents were yelling at eachother.  My dad got really upset and didn't even want to go out for dinner.  We had nothing out, though, so we went for Chinese, as planned.  Then, in the car on the way there, Ange ruined, my surprise.  She asked dad if "Ally gave him the present that was supposed to be from both of us until she changed her mind 10 minutes ago."  It was a mini photo album, and I half filled it with FAMILY pictures.  It was my idea, I picked the fram, I chose the pictures, I printed them all...all Ange did was give me $5 (half the price of the frame).  SO no, I was not going to put her name on my present.  I kept telling her to pick pictures and print them, but she never did, so it's not my fault.  I gave it to Daddy after dinner, and he loved it.  He started crying, because he felt so loved, and because of the last page.  I found a picture of a card I drew for him when I was little, so I printed that out and then drew the same thing, but legible and from now.  They say I love you Daddy in green letters, with a red heart.  I put them both in the album, right at the end of all the pictures.

Yesterday Ange and I went out with Aunt Betty in the morning.  We went to Perkins for brunch (it was delicious!), and on the way out, Aunt Betty totally got hit on by some old guy.  And all she had to see was, "Oh, that man was older than me and I have a cane and he doesn't.  I hate this thing."  Then we ran a few errands with her, and came home.  We had eye appointments before supper, and my eyes are now up to 7.0 form 6.5 (not that I know what that means, just the higher the number, the worse it is).  After dinner, I was going stirr crazy, so we went to Hancock fabrics in Scranton to see if they had a certain thread my mom needed.  I found cheap fabric and a pattern, so I'm goning to make myself a skirt! (I feel all crafty lately.  Like I started working on girl scout stuff for my gold award, and I already got 1 badge done.  I'm a dork).  But they didn't have the zipper I needed, so we walked around JoAnn's, and I got one there.  We stopped at this cute ice cream stand on the way home, and I got sugar free bitterscotch.  I was so good! It tasted like those butterscotch hard candies.  It didn't even taste sugar free.  Then Dad drove hom a very confusing way, and I got all confused.  I'm going to get so lost when I start driving.

Today I cleaned more stuff in my room, and now there is nothing in here left to clean.  Then Kopec came over, and we talked for a bit, then Daddy took us to the movies.  We saw John Tucker Must Die, and it was hillarious!!  It was even more fun to join in the conversations of the people around us, cuz they were so damn loud!  It was fun;  I missed her soooooo much!  She got me a pearl necklace from an Antique shop at the beach.  It's all shiney and pretty, and I love it!  Tonight wasa much needed girl night out.
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