Facebook is making me sad tonight. Well, it does many nights. People post about critters who will die soon if they aren't saved, or about critters who had terrible things done to them, or other awful things.
I want to SAVE ALL THE CRITTERS. But I can't. No one can.
It just makes me feel sad and helpless. I try to remember that I do what I can - I've fostered a number of cats who'd be dead now otherwise. I do online fundraisers every month with my online Avon site (
http://asikes1242.avonrepresentative.com/, if anyone's interested, though that is so not the point of this post). I share SOME of the "save this critter!" posts...but I don't want to aggravate all my friends by flooding them with those things, so I try to pick and choose wisely.
But I'm sad. I think it affects me more now with my Casey-cat gone, but I'm not sure why.
I'm not expecting anyone to reply, I'm really just venting. There's no way to fix any of it, anyway. Hiding the posts doesn't make the badness stop!
Speaking of fosters, I still have my two wonderful diabetic foster cats available for adoption! (Lucky keeps me from adopting any other critters, or else I would absolutely adopt them myself!) Transport can be arranged, so you don't need to live near me. Maybe I'll write a post about them tomorrow.