May 16, 2004 22:41
It's all gone.
My things I mean.
All gone.
My room is so lonely.
I can't believe this year is over.
I mean, really, it's over.
I could cry, but why?
I'm not sure if I really enjoyed it.
I was so happy to see my grandparents this weekend.
My grandpa and I got to talk, and I mean, really talk.
About our fears, life, the future w/o him.
His memory, his life, the things he would have changed, things he wouldn't of.
It was so great.
Until he told me, "Ally, on Tuesday I'm going to the head doctor, who will take away my license, and that is what i'm going to cry the most about, I'm going to see myself as an OLD man, and I know how to drive, i mean, ally I really do know how to drive, I can. I'm much better than your grandma."
I looked at him, smiled and said, "Grandpa, it doesn't matter if they take your license away because that doesn't define you. Your family and the love from your family defines you. And grandpa, you can drive me anytime. I won't tell."
He looked at me, with TEARS in his eyes, I couldn't help but sit there in Carmel and look up at the sky and ask god to help me lose the tears.
I did have fun.
We went to the Fish Hopper for Mike's birthday. It was GREAT food. Everyone had fun.
My Uncle Joe and I got kinda close. He is a cool guy when you get to know him. The things he says!
Places he's been.
My grandmother on the other hand, was a blast. She made me laugh so hard. It was great..Our little laughs before bed and stuff.
I enjoyed seeing my mom. it was fun. We really didn't get to talk..she is still a little sick and she was busy with my grandma.
Overall, I didn't want them to leave.
I wanted to go with them.
And all my stuff.
I cried when they left me in the room. I watched them pull away and it was like, no matter what I'm never going to get this weekend back or another one like it.
It was fun and it was great.
It made me realize how lucky I am to have people like those four in my family.
And I'm glad mike came by and shared it with us.
I love you mikey and mom and grandma and grandpa and uncle joe!!!
Miss you so much Susan.