Apr 06, 2005 20:24
I feel really bad for sharilyn cause everyone is up her ass cause she got into columbia and so called "more deserving people" got rejected. well, they can go fuck themselves b/c shariyln has worked her ass off for this. I got waitlisted by MY perfect wet dream school but i'm not bitter. I make up my college experience, the college I actually attend is only a portion of that.
UghRock05: am i dumb?
Allyphantt: nope!
UghRock05: no really
UghRock05: cuz it seems like everybody has bullshit to say about me going to columbia, so far i've heard "o yea, of course u got in, ur black" at least 20 times
Allyphantt: what a fucking retarded idea.
Allyphantt: you got in b/c of your determination, your constant nagging, your grades, your extra curriculars, your hard hard hard work for the past 2 years (i know you, slacker you!), and your essay
UghRock05: its just so discouraging...its kinda getting to me
Allyphantt: tell them to FUCK THE FUCK OFF FUCKING FUCKERS
UghRock05: thanks ally lol...u made me feel better
(jason on the situation)
ibndacabbie: yeah... have they ever been to nyc
ibndacabbie: there are black people everywhere
ibndacabbie: now if she was an inuit...
ibndacabbie: maybe then things would have been different
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p.s. today was a beautiful day and i played basketball in the park for the first time in what seems like a decade!!! and ENJOYED IT!!!!! me and eugene took a brisk walk in the sunshine and got kicked off of the swings by bastard kids (kidding). matt beerman looks like a pedophile with sunglasses on.i also visited tom's mother. toxology reports have not returned. :/
i also have not exactly slept properly in 3 days. i miss the zzz's