Apr 06, 2007 20:42
Well, my lap top monitor is broken so I am only online when I am able to steal another computer in the house for a while. I've still been taking my weekly belly pics but I won't be able to post them until I get my computer back in commission most likely. This computer I am using is so old it's impossible to try to upload the pics on here and edit them like I do each week. So, I'll just have to wait. Plus, I normally take the photos on my cell phone and send them to my email. But right now, my cell phone is shut off until at least next Friday when we get the money to catch up on the bill.
In other news...
I have a routine OB appointment coming up next Wednesday (the 11th). I'll be 23 weeks on the spot.
I didn't hear anything about my Quad screen from the doc. She said if she didn't call within a week of my last visit (last month) then I should assume all is well. YAY!
And last but not least...my fiance's good friend came to visit for the day and he bought 3 medium pizzas...
I ATE A WHOLE MEDIUM PIZZA BY MYSELF!!!!!!!!! I'm going to fatty hell, lmao.
Oh...and I drank a lot of Pepsi. BAD ME!