is this on.

Apr 18, 2005 18:30

not denying yet not quite admitting it either. ahhh. its so tough but ill be good. it is so nice out but i have spent all day in my room. why? i dont know. didnt have much to do really lol i wrote an essay while i was down here though so thats good.

so i was talking to doris(lol) and she went out with her boy and my friend d and his girlfriend. they went bowling and i guess d's girlfriend wasnt doing so hot and d got upset with her telling her to do better and he was absolutely serious about it. he was really being absolutely cruel to his girlfriend. And i guess doris was talking to her and she told may that d was always like that. like when they went to restuarants she could only order what he wanted her to order because what she wanted to order would take too long. When doris was telling me this i couldnt believe my ears. The same guy that i hang out with and can be a sweet heart treats his girlfriend like crap. It in some way really irratate me to the extreme. like he is just putting on an act for me and he is really an asshole. i mean i was once told that he doesnt pay for anything when he goes out with people. but when we got out unless i offer to pay we either split the bill or he will offer to pay. i just dont get it and i feel almost betrayed. i dunno. whatever.

"There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from"

if only its was easy just to remember that. and except it.

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