Entre Rios

May 14, 2007 17:47

This weekend I went to Entre Rios with the Flacso kids and it was pretty ridiculous, but our kind of ridiculous. We stayed in old boxcars that had been converted into cabins, and I for one was kind of excited to be Boxcar Children for a weekend. This place was supposed to be a wildlife reserve, but the only wildlife that we saw were sheep, cows, ñandús, a rooster that crowed at 3 pm, and a frog (una sapita!) that lived in our shower. We were right on the side of a forest of palm trees, which is what the area is known for. It was crazy looking - nothing but palm trees as far as you could see. It looked a little like the Lorax. When we went to this palm tree park, they gave us a pamphlet with advice on how not to get the hanta virus while we were there. That was kind of alarming. We toured this palace/estancia place, which was lovely until the tour guide said, and here’s the room where the owner was beaten to death by mutinous workers. Then it was more sad and creepy. We also rode a train through the jungle and crossed a stream called Arroyo Borracho (the Drunken Stream) on our way to a Jewish gaucho museum. Weird. Then we wandered around this really small town and played on a merry-go-round until our tour guide got cranky and threw pebbles at us. I found one in my hair like eight hours later. We went canoeing in one of the streams, and I got put in charge of steering our canoe, and I’d like to say that ours was the only one that wasn’t running into trees and plants and the banks. I am a professional steerer. I’m not sure why I’m so proud of this. I feel like I have memories of getting yelled at by Sarah for being a bad canoer. Whatev. Now I’m a professional and this summer we’re gonna go canoeing and see what’s what. That is all.
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