Jan 28, 2007 16:52
Okay. So I've been in El Bolsón for almost two weeks, working on an organic farm. It's pretty mellow, all I've done is harvest a bunch of vegetables, play with compost, feed animals, that sort of thing. I'm pretty sure the other day I caught the chickens planning an escape. They were all running around the side of their pen making noise, but when I walked by they got reeeaaaal quiet and all hopped back to the middle. The chickens are up to something.
The hostel is filled with backpackers from all over - so far I've met people from England, Israel, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Quebec, the US, and Argentina (natch). On one of the first days I was there, about four of us got the same unpleasant stomach ailment... so we all laid around on the floor, drank tea, and had the best movie marathon ever (Amelie, Pulp Fiction, Goodbye Lenin, and Forrest Gump - good times). There is a Belgian couple here who have been travelling the world, nonstop, since 2005. Ridiculous! They've told us stories about eating pork roasted in a Cuban backalley, flying across Iran for $20, eating cockroaches in Thailand, having a police escort in the Egyptian desert, etc, etc. I want to be like that when I grow up.
Nano and Rosa, the couple who own the farm, have two kids, Dante and Salomé. Dante is apparently the name of somebody who tried to assassinate a Pope, and Salomé chopped off the head of John the Baptist. These kids are nice though. At first I thought Salomé was just a fancy way of saying Salami, but really it sounds more like Sah-loh-MAY. Dante just learned how to say "fish" in English so spent a good part of yesterday running around in his rainboots yelling "FISH FISH FISH!" Rosa plays saxaphone in a band called Osama, and Nano is this big huge hilarious bearded mountain man who cooks the best food ever. Hilarious. I love it.
Yesterday I went on a 20 km hike up the mountains, which goes up so high you can see Chile. On the way up there is a sculpture garden in the middle of the forest. Very cool. (Pictures soon). Like an idiot I forgot to wear sunblock and now am tomato red. Boo.
Okay enough for now. Ice cream is calling my name. CHOW GUYS.