For those of you who aren't in the Lincoln-Sudbury LiveJournal community (which, I would imagine, is many of you) I would advise you go
Fred Phelps, Kniffin's guy from The Laramie Project, is stirring up trouble at some places around here in Eastern Massachusetts; he's going to churches, elementary schools, even a high school graduation! I'd like to go and protest and if anyone is interested in joining le moi, please to post le comment and we shwill rendez-vous.
Aah, le Shindig. Je suis excited, as it shall be muchola of fun.
Hey, look, I'm talking like I used to talk! Est tres, tres etrange. But now I must go practice le violin, as I have le GBYSO audition coming up on Wednesday et le violin lesson on Tuesday. And I'd prefer not to suck.
love allie