May 30, 2008 22:03
I feel like I'm back in highschool again. Trying to find a job for the summer is on the same wavelength as picking a college to go to. I want to find the best fit for me that will start me along a path towards my ending goal. In this case, being a lighitng designer.
I've applied to so many places and I did finally get a job offer. However it is in Arkansas. For an entire year... Don't get me wrong I'm excited to finally have an option... I'm just a little nervous about picking it. I have until Thursday to let them know about my desicion and it is looking like I am going to decline it.
I am applying for a job at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and I am really hoping to get it. We're talking life changing position! It is a four month fellowship that would put me working as an assistant for top name designers. Housing and travel paid for along with a $5,000 stipend. This fellowship would start me on my way! With the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) and The Santa Fe Opera (SFO) under my belt, who knows where I could go?! Plus they have similar abbreviations so I have to go! It's fate! They only offer it to ONE PERSON A YEAR though so I am up against major competition!
I'm going to cry every time I look at this livejournal post if I don't get the fellowship. PleaseOpleasOpleaseOpleaseOplease!!!
Cross your fingers people!!!