New stuff at work

Aug 14, 2008 20:01

So I just finished my second day at work with the new system. That's right, we're all digital now. It's pretty cool, once we figured everything out.

The new camera is tiny. The old one took two hands and a shoulder to move. This new one just slides around with a finger. Okay, so there's the pistol grip, which needs two hands, but still. The actual moving is really easy. Though, it's so easy that it takes some getting used to. I try to move a smidge and I end up moving a slide. But, I'm getting used to it. We do get to do cool angles though. We did a practice shoot where I was peaking out of the corner, like "sup, bitches?" It was great!

The new monitor for the camera is kind of annoying. It only shows the picture for 10 seconds. Maybe less. But, there's no limit on how many photos we can take, unlike the old system, which only let you take 24.

The sales computer is the newest, biggest, awesomest change. We can do enhancements! Black and white, sepia, other tones, text, graphics, ZOOM AND CROP!!!!!! Can you guess which I'm most excited about? Yeah, no more slightly off centre, no more background showing. It's going to be great!

The POS, now called SAS is very annoying if you make a mistake. There's no back function. And you can't cancel. You're left in limbo unless you can find a way to finish a transaction without charging anything. It sucks. Also, since we only JUST changed over, we still have to do deliveries for film and returns and such. And the computer doesn't like it. Doesn't like it at all. It freezes and then we have to restart, which is a big no-no. Hopefully in a few weeks, when all the film stuff is gone, things will be easier. Though, I'll be gone by then.

Oh, yeah. 8 more work days left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!

Yeah, I'm kinda excited.

Oh, I forgot. On top of the enhancements, we can do 10x30 portraits and 3-ups and 9-ups. I want a 10x30. One of the pictures from the practice shoot came out really well, and I'm thinking of ordering it in that size. Or I might wait until Mom, Grandma and I go for a shoot and order a 3-up (3 photos in a row) then. I'm not sure. There are so many choices now. It's exciting!

So, anyway. That's the new digital stuff.  I get to play for 8 more days and then I'm done. Then I get to pack to move back. I'm leaving on the 3rd, so all my Ontario friends, I'll see you then! And my Alberta ones, I'll have to see you some time before I leave.

work, life

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