Nov 26, 2007 15:46
um, Hi end of semester. When did you sneak up????
Does anyone else in college feel the same way??? WTF I have 3 weeks left and then finals, and i know some of you only have 2 weeks left andthen exams. WHHAATTT?????
While I CANT WAIT for the semester to be over, and am still in utter disbelief that it is, I have LOADS of work to do in the meantime. Tomorrow I have a presentation on Japan's influence on Chinese industrialization. And I go to the professor last week and ask for help and she starts showing me all these sites on energy use in China in the last 50 yrs. (energy use which failed to address distribution of use, and strictly looked at total GDP {which is completely stupid}) And I was like, that's all fine and dandy but how does this have to do with Japan's influence on China? And he goes "Oh, don't worry about that." wtf? ok....
I have a group project on the legal aspects of the 369 acres of wilderness we own across the st from UNE. If that doesn't excite you I srsly don't know what will. That's on thurs, and I made the group disgruntled when they found out we couldn't work on it until after 830 tomorrow night because im baby-sitting. ohh welll
AND I have an annotated bibliography due on wed for a project not due until at least monday, and I had no idea it was due this week. I thought I had at least the weekend for it. wtf. I should prolly pick a topic soon.
So all this is due by thursday, none of which i started until last night when i began my china preparations, and then the weekend comes where i can relax start and finish my pollution project on the South Bronx. But they have a lot of pollution so 8 pgs should be a piece of cake.
Still haven't decided if I'm going home next weekend for the madrigal feast. The practical, senseful side says no, but part of me likes the trend of going home every other weekend. lol Besides, at that point all my projects will pretty much be done. idk we will see
I had an absolute blast this break and if it's anything close to a preview of x-mas break then I CANNOT wait. I saw so many people I either always see and is always fun to catch up with, or some who I haven't seen in forever and it was nice to reconnect. Others will just have to wait until x-mas break, but i am making tentative plans to reconnect with everyone. ;) Esp since Im a bum and only am officially employed for 2 days out of the break, which will be at Earthplace. But those days will be fun and will put a good chunk of money in my pocket.
Speaking of money I OFFICIALLY PAID OFF MY FALL TUITION TODAY!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO There UNE now you want to take me off hold so I can at least attempt to sign up for classes???? thanks jerks.
yay for pointless, ranting journal entries