Jan 13, 2004 12:43
So I recieved my itenerary this morning for my schooling this term. Some parts suck, like we have classes 7 days a week most of the time, but for three months I guess I can make the most of it. It will make me love next fall even more when I am just taking class 6 days a week when there is a home football game, and I will love next winter even more than that when for the first time in a year and a half I will be able to have mon-friday classes like normal people.
Otherwise it looks like it is going to be really cool. I get to travel all over Thailand. (Note, on top of everything else I say I am also studying Thai language. I have at least 3 hours of classroom time every day.) For the first month we are studying globalization, Thai culture, Thai life (including the slums), current development, and my favorite part (these are thrown in throughout the term) is Thai fun! :) woo hoo! Ok, I might be a little more than mildly excited about that one.
After that we study water for two weeks. We even get to go to "School of River." It sounds cool but I have no clue what that actually means. After water we have about a week and a half that we are studying Land. Other than traveling a lot in that time, I can't tell what is actually going to be cool according to the itenerary.
Then we have ten days of studying tourism and it looks like we might get to partake a little of the tourism as well then! yeah, that part looks cool. :)
For the last month the focus will be on food and the farmer. My favorite part about that section is that we get a break in there for the water festivities. (That happens during the hottest part of the year. I am thinking that maybe, depending on costs, I might see if I can find a friend and possibly fly over to Hong Kong for 3 days of that because I love China and I really wouldn't mind jumping over to that city because it is way cool....or else maybe I will go somewhere else in thailand, maybe down to the beachs so i can get some international diving in, :) or maybe surf a little. We'll see. It all depends on if I can find a friend who wants to travel with me because I won't be doing that alone.
Anyway, I am really excited about all of that now. I am kind of nervous and it is really hard because I have no one to talk to about any of this right now. My family is all hovering around my brother because of his broken heart, all of my friends seem to be in the swing of all of the school stuff and they don't even have time to talk to me. It is hard. I have a lot running through my head and no outlet because writing it down only makes me think about it more. Once I say something its out there and out of my head, but when I write I think and ponder and the intensity of my thoughts just compounds. Well enough of my rambling. I should probably do some laundry and some homework.
It's weird, I am nervous but it's not a reality that I am leaving yet. Well I better make it a reality, I will be in Thailand this time next week!