Sep 26, 2004 21:35
Today was all right I guess. I went to church which was super fun because we had a guest band from New Mexico called Cover Your Face (I think). Their first couple congs were good but then they went into The Used style music, and anyone who knows me knows that I only listen to the Used when I'm pissed off and I wasn't quite in the pissed off mood this morning! Then we had an improv group from Minnesota called Happy Fun Time. They were hilarious and had me in tears from laughing so hard. The rest of the day I went shopping, good times. This weekend wasn't too eventful. I had Brittney cut my hair on Friday, it looks really cute. She gave me a manicure, too. On Friday night I did absolutely NOTHING except work on my scrapbook and write essays for scholarships. It was so nice to have nothing planned. I went over to Andrew's house and we watched Finding Nemo last night. It was so much fun! He's cool to hang out with, I don't get the uncomfortable feeling like I do when I'm in some people's houses that I don't know all that well. Hm...I haven't written in here in a while so I'm not sure what I've missed. I went to Oregon last weekend and I'm pretty sure I want to go to college there next year. They have the academic stuff that I want so that's all good. Oh, I'm going to see Bryan in 3 weeks! It's about's been a whole month and a half. It will have been exactly 2 months that I haven't seen him on the day that I fly into Texas. I'm so excited, it's going to be fun because he has no clue that I'm coming. School sucks, it's getting harder, but still not too bad. Well, I don't feel like typing anymore in here so if you want to know about my life, use the phone and call and ask about it directly from the expert.