I found a way to trick the system. Torpark. It's hella slow, but at least I can see friends-only- entries again and post. Yays?
Only one more week of school til easter holiday! We might even fly to brazil again, and I haven't been there in yeeears. That would rock, because I really miss my brother. But even if not: holiday~! And apart from that, only a few more weeks of school till FREEDOM. summer break. teh graduation. And my move back to Germany. I am counting the days, both in joy and sadness. I just know I'll miss this country and some people here a damn lot, and soon enough, it'll be a closed chapter. So many things I never got to do, because.. well, you know that feeling. "I can still do that later, enough time left", and suddenly you don't because it's over. Ah well. At least there's enough time left to do some panic shopping and buy up all the Chinese markets to shower my friends with goodies once I get back. \o/
Also, I started stitching this huge lotus flower for my grandmother who turns 80 this summer. It'll be over a metre long and it's a big pile of work, but it'll be worth it. So far, I only finished the upper bud (see image). 6 colors, and it looks good! I hope I'll get it done in time. It must be weird because when you stand outside of my room you just hear my music and it sounds like I'm butchering people in there, but once you enter I'm peacefully sitting on my bed cross-stitching. :p I feel so old- fashioned. Haha.
[clicka for pretty flower] uni, metal festival, new apartment, new country, new life. This is about to become a damn interesting year.