Chatroom Rules

May 24, 2014 22:54

Please make sure you read and understand these rules before you enter the chat room!
Welcome to All Year Sprints! We are a year-round community of writers that focuses on offering writing sprints. While we host sprints year-round, our major events are: NaNo in November, February Mini-NaNo, Camp NaNo in April, and Camp NaNo in July.
What Are Sprints?
The definition of a sprint is a short, timed period of writing.

We run our sprints at (mobile site The moderator of the room says "go" and for however long he or she deems, a sprint is ran. During the sprint, no one talks in the room, but works on whatever project they're writing. When the moderator says "stop", chat may resume back in the room until the next sprint. It's a great opportunity to take a break, stretch, and just relax between stretches of writing.

When you enter the sprint room we ask that you don't speak first as this could interrupt a sprint. Wait until you see someone else speak and then jump in. If you're unsure of whether or not they're sprinting message the moderator in charge and they'll be more than willing to tell you.

If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact any of the moderators. We want sprints to be enjoyable for everyone.

Community Rules

01. We are a PG-13 room. We have members who are under 18, so use discretion on what you post. Let's keep this a safe space for ALL our members. To do this here are some guidelines:
  • Please refrain from triggering topics. A good explanation of triggers and squicks and the difference between the two can be found in rainbowfic's Trigger Warnings and You essay ( Here is a list of common triggers via tumblr ( (Note: while I know that pregnancy/childbirth is on this list, the caveat is that the content involves GRAPHIC descriptions -- talking about our kids, being pregnant, and marriage is NOT a trigger on its own.)
    If you are writing something with triggering content or excessive swearing and absolutely must share, please take it to PM or warn by using the spoiler code in chatzy, so people may skip. To do this type: Warning: list of applicable warnings [x]your text here[/x]
  • No excessive swearing.
  • No adult content.
  • No emotionally-charged discussions such as politics and religion.
  • No spoilers for movies, TV, books and video games in progress/coming out.

02. Respect all members and listen to your mods -- in Chatzy we mods have hats in the visitor list. Do not harass the mods or other members on chatzy, livejournal, Facebook or IM.

03. Do not talk during sprints. If the room appears quiet but not empty, wait until someone speaks to you before you speak, so you don't interrupt a sprint. If you are not sure if sprints are running, PM the mod in the room.

04. If there are no sprints listed on the sprint schedule and/or sprints get cancelled, members can feel free to run impromptu unofficial sprints.

05. No spamming or advertising other communities in the room without talking to a mod first; we are always looking for affiliates. This is also not a sales community. If you want to promote yourself or your book, we have a promotion document on the facebook group.

06. Moderators have the power to ban people from the room as they deem fit.

If you're unsure if something crosses a line, feel free to contact a mod about it!

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