Jun 05, 2005 22:28
Well its time for an update. My summer has been going pretty good. I havent really done much though except sleep in..which beleive me has been great!! VBS is the week after this one..actually im kinda exited! I love doing VBS and being with all the kids its a great time to get to known them and share Christ with them. Alot of them don't know that Christ died for us and it is a truly amazing experiance to share it with them.
Not going on mexico missions trip :(
mom and dad dont think i am old enough to go to mexico for missions just yet. they think i need to be a little older before i go. at first i was so mad..but now i guess i understand where they are comming from. Mexico isnt just a happy safe environment...or atleast not the place that our group is going to. there are alot of rough people and places. Maybe next year my praents will let me go. I really feel led to do missions. It is an awesome opportunity to help people who are less fortunate and dont have nearly as much as we do. A lot of times we take all that we have for granite..electricity, water, and a roof over our heads. Hopefully when i am a little older and more ready i will be able to go and help the people that need it more than ever. Yes that is something that i definately want to do.
Well its been a long day so i gotta catch up on some sleep..GOODNIGHT TO ALL! Call me and we will hangout over the summer!!
<3 always,