Feb 11, 2005 20:10

wow, today was equally retarded in chorus.... where to start:

the sub was crazy, shes like i play in the orchestra (some other place) and im a singer, first off shes trying to run the class when mrs larosa left that job to lilly and emma, wooooooooo. seriously every1 was yelling and doing nothing, sonja and me were so frustrated you wouldnt believe.... i almost started to cry. lOl i thought lilly was going to beat that woman, she kept telling us we were doing it wrong and shit, then this dumb bitch pulls out a clarinet and shes like "these are your pitches" and were like WHAT>? they were so whack. i was like whoa whoa i couldnt stop laffing, it got to the point where i was just crazy. the sub called lillian and emma incompetent.... they are one of the two most competent people in that class, i thought emma was going to hit her... lilly looked like she was going to burst... so then we all said fuck it, and the sub backed off, so emma lilly janae amerilys me sonja ummm... shaleen vickie.... a couple others too came up by the piano and sang our songs... most of the group was sititng down playing with their phones... it pissed me off so much. i was going to have a heart attack,,..mondays gonna be better coz we wont have that sub, were going to have a sub who knows they know shit about music and let lillian and emma and now holly do their own thing coz this shit is retarded we have states in 2 weeks.... no where near ready....

so then i got interims.... omg you guys, are you ready for this... straight fuckin A's.... I KID YOU NOT ALESIA BERNADETTE SUAREZ GOT STRAIGHT FUCKIN A's MAN OH MAN all day i was wondering whos ass i kissed.

newho after school i had drama, i seriously love those people like you dont understand, everybodys so nice and loving, but im sure thats a cover. hahaha but we drama kids are always touchy. <333

sO tonight im doing shiizznit=nothing!. so im sitting home watching movies coz im mad tired and tomorrow i gotta be building sets for drama from 9-5 oh joy.

as yOu can cleary see ive finished the layout... it was weird coz on th computers at school i have no scroll bar, but on theother ones i do, i think the computer was fucked up. Oh well neways im out

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