Nov 21, 2004 10:20
wusup. g0tta l0ve my new suits me so well. specialy the icon for those of y0u who kn0 who im talking bout...i had a dream about him, that he called me nd he was still doing drugs, nd i hung up on him. i think that dream signified that iam finnaly over him. i mean i was over him be4, but atleast now its different i can see all he did to me, nd i know its not my fault. i guess i hadda forgive myself before nething else.
it kinda feels good when you have friends who make u see who you really are..and to make you feel good bout it. yea iam a bitch. nd u know what, im proud to be. nd to all of you who dont like me, screw you, coz this is me, this is who iam. nd if you dont like it, its not my problem. i will never change for any one!!
well today was a waste of time. chantal left round 12, coz she haddda get her contacts then service hours..then i watched cinderella story, then i went online...then jorgies so dumb i swear. lol hes like im so weird..nd im like how r u weird... nd hes like last night i smoked to much wacky tobaccy lol yea he proved his point alright. then i made a bagel and watched Ever After my favorite movie of all time with drew barrymore.then friggin courtney tries to fix her she messes up the whole thing..i hadda copy nd paste my overrides on to her name coz she had none, LOL. then i hadda fix it nd figure out why her text wasnt showing..then it dawned on me..she made a new she didnt have ne i was like wtf im so stupid LOL. courtney touch ur LJ again and u will die
and now im back online....looking for LJ icons with sam and i found this drown u with my fucking tears one..make sure u guys double click on my icon so u can see the other two i have of them is sooo funny. LOL jamie in case u need icons i have oodles of them saved. so gimme a holler holler!
so yea im so happy for emily..shes finally getting some..that makes one of us. lucky bitch. jk jk lovv uu but not kidding bout the lucky part..must know all about it. x0
well im tired s0 ama g0
HUGZ&KiSSES -x0x0x