Feb 04, 2005 14:01
It's finally Friday, so I finally have a minute to myself to reflect on everything thats been going on this past semester. It feels right to be back and in the swing of things already, but at the same time I keep wondering what happened to Winter Break...
I gave blood yesterday and it went surprisingly well. Max came to hold me hand so I din't have to think about my phobias of both veins and needles. I felt fine during and right after, but when I got back my roommate took one look at me and told me to go to bed. I guess I resembled a ghost more so than normally, and was swaying a little bit. I lay down thinking I would rest for a little bit and ended up sleeping over 5 hours. Ridiculous.
Speaking of roommates, apparently now I have two. My roomie's boyfriend apparently thinks he lives here now and is here *ALL* of the time. Its getting a wee bit obnoxious. He is so stalkerish its crazy. I don't know how she breathes with all the smothering thats going on. I mean, I love the guy, but MY GOD! Enough is enough.
At least I have a boyfriend here too and can escape when he is not a. doing something crew related b. doing something school related or 3. sleeping. Oh, wait. That's ALL the time. Silly me. I see him only slightly more than I did last semester, and he wasn't even in the country then! Oh well, I suppose I should be happy that he's back and just wait for a lull in the madness that is a college student's life. (Spring Break maybe? How long til then?).
Other than all that things are good. Once Upon A Weekend is tomorrow night and (fingers crossed) I may get cast in it tonight even though I can't be at the casting because I have to be at work. If not, then I can go and watch which is something I have never done before. I have always been in it or out of the country or unaware of what Once Upon A Weekend was. I really want to be apart of it and hopefully the directors (all of whom I know, so I better get a part!) will have mercy on me and give me a part. Its not my fault I am poor and need to work...
Valentine's Day is coming up. So is the big 2 year anniversary. Lots to do to figure out how to celebrate, especially since I wasn't here for the big 1 year. Keeping Max from finding out might prove to be a challenge. Thankfully I have the cooperation of his glorious roommates and things should go smoothly. We'll see what happens.
Well time to get ready for work. Happy Friday everyone!