Who are you?:
K, now what would you do if:
I cried:
I asked you to help:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I got dumped:
I pissed you off:
I did something that you could never forgive me for:
~What Do You Think Of My...
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K, now what would you do if:
I cried: cry because you are my best friend and i dont want to see you cry
I asked you to help: HELP, of course
I said I liked you:...Laugh at you
I kissed you:..ohh lala! :-)
I stole something: you wouldnt
I was hospitalized: come see you and heal you with my healing powers
I ran away from home: well that would mean you came to my house because i am ur second home!
I got in a fight and you were there:i would slap the mother effer silly
I got dumped: cry, or laugh if it was whore head ...again!! (j/k)
I pissed you off: yell, and have good come backs, (right)
I did something that you could never forgive me for:i dont thynk i have to worry about that
~What Do You Think Of My...
Personality: awesome
Face: clear(unlike me)
Hair: hott
Voice: cute
Humor: it depends on the day
Choice of music: alright, could be better, (according to andrew)
Mannerisms: i d k
Family: my second
Friends: awesome, because i am one of them
Decisions: haha
Would You...
Be my friend: yes
Tell me the truth no matter what:yes
Lie to make me feel better:no
Spread rumors about me:NoO
Keep a secret if I told you one: always
Loan me some cash: if i had it, which i never do
Hold my hand: until the day of my death (as friends)
Take a bullet for me: (i thynk i would take a bullet for ALMOST anyone)almost being the "key" word
Keep in touch: like...yea!
Try and solve my problems: no, i dont try to solve other people's problems, i will help but not solve
Love me: already do
Have Sex with me:...hmm...NO
Ditch me: no
Use me: no
Date me: no
Rape me: until your nipples streamed blood (J/K)
Beat me up: only if you rted it :-p!!!
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