First post!

Dec 23, 2004 01:36

Eeey, First post here on my new livejournal! =)

I'm suprised if anyone'll read this, but I'll post any random crap that pops into my head n.n

I should write a bit about myself, then!

Name: Ally Coen =)
Age: ........................................ <>...........
Whoop, went offline there ^.^;;
Gender: Female
Residence: In my head, nestled in my bed in Dorset on the South coast of wet, windy England.
Nationality: Greek-English
Hobbies: Drawing, playing video games, reading, dancing, watching movies and not taking half of it in, Blasting rock music to annoy my neighbours and making stuffs! =D

Ahh! 1:45 AM! Better go!
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