What is wrong with me? I mean, seriously. I'm doing well in my classes, my family's doing well...oh yeah, I have a hard time feeling like my friends are always there for me. Why is this? Could it have something to do with the fact that my best friend from high school never made time for me and I finally decided it would be better to move on? Most definitely. It doesn't help that in order to see my girlfriends I have to hang out with them and their honey bunches of oats. Nothing like being made the third wheel to make you feel wanted. See them alone? On no, not an option, apparently (unless you count the few and far between times it does actaully happen. No, wait, then I still hear all about them. ARGH! And I don't mean that I don't want to know what's going on with my friends! Which is where the dilemma comes in.) There's no winning here. It's kind of hard to be happy when you don't have the inspiration to be.
Two's company, three's a crowd. "Three's Company" lied.