meme! taken from
cristi_is_here. i think i did this about a year ago, but i think i've gotten a lot new lj friends since here's a little glimpse into my lifee :)
You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
1. First name:
2. Age:
20. i'll be 21 inless than a month, december 29th. i can't wait to legally drink alcohol! (not like i haven't been drinking for the past 3 years anyway haha. it just sucks because pretty much all of my friends are 21+ now and it's sad to not be able to drink when we go out.)
3. Location:
at school in west hartford, ct. i live in ansonia, ct the rest of the time.
4. Occupation:
student i guess...i also tutor 7th graders here at school, and when i'm home, i work at a preschool. it's a crazy job but i love it.
5. Partner:
nobody right now. i can't be in a serious relationship right now...i'm too busy and i can't do the emotional investment D: so i'm just having fun, you know.
6. Kids:
not anytime soon, thanks!
7. Brothers/Sisters:
one brother, cameron. he's 19 and we go to the same college, and it's awesome.
8. Pets:
two cats, linus and rigby. they're crazy and adorable.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
mass amounts of schoolwork, keeping my grades up (i have all As and Bs so far this semester :D), thinking about graduate school (i want to get my master's in early childhood or elementary education), and trying to have a fun social life. i'm succeeding in all areas, i think haha.
10. Parents:
ralph and patti. i get along well with them most of the time and i love them dearly.
11. Who are some of your closest friends:
-lauren (
laestar87), who i've known since elementary school. we are completely insane together, and we have AIM conversations that last for days, and watch random youtube videos, and go driving aimlessly and laugh about the most random things. it's lots of fun.
-bill (
willbuddy). he was my first boyfriend ever, my senior year of high school, and even though we broke up we're still the best of friends :) he goes to school down at auburn, so we don't see each other much anymore, but he's a great person. he's always there for me when i need him, and he comes up with the most awesomely random things to say. love him!
-rob. he's also my ex - we were together from april 08 to june of this year when we broke up - but we're still also good friends. i've seen him like once a week this whole semester as he's really busy working and taking like 7 classes and teaching and tutoring. when we do hang out it's great though. we're so comfortable around each other and i feel like i can tell him anything. plus, he's crazy and random. notice a pattern with all of my friends in that area? haha.