Today has been just the perfect day weatherwise. Unfortunately I was working but sometimes even being on-train has it's compensations.
We took a diversionary route today due to the mainline being closed for repair. The route took us around manton which is just breathtaking. It adds over an hour onto the journey to London but no one ever complains because the views are so stunning. At one point we travel across a huge, high viaduct and the valley is spread out below us. The weather today is just beautiful - golden and sunny and warm - and the trees in the valley are just starting to turn colour. Spectacular scenery to just sit and watch go by. :-)
Had a strangly good day at work today. No problems, no trainscum and no delays. Hmmmmm I hope it isn't storing it all up for next week!
I was chilled last night after riding my gallopyhorse and actually took some time for ME. It doesn't happen very often because I am usually so busy, but as it was saturday Rich suggested fish & chips for tea from the local chippy to save me cooking. (Obviousely all the meals I've prepared this week have had an impact!)
We ate them in the garden which is still in full bloom and then because I had time to spare I had a glorious long, hot shower and actually SHAVED MY LEGS!!!! now, this might not seem like a big deal to most but since I spend 50% of my time in work trousers and the other 50% in johdpurs or jeans, often my legs kind of go by the wayside. I have such good intentions but then put it off and put it off until I resemble one of hagazusa's erupting sheepses! I live in dread of being hospitalised and having to bare my wooly legs to all and sundry, weakly protesting as they carry me off for gender testing. BUT I pampered and moisturised and buffed and now I have beautifully fuzz-free pins. I actually slept really well last night. Maybe the fuzz had been playing on my mind lol
I also deep-conditioned my hair as it tends to get a bit dry this time of year (a summer of sweaty riding hat methinks) and had a footspa. Oooooooo I'm like a new woman!
Relations with my Mum are back to normal. I of course backed down and gave her the 'whatever makes you happy is good with me' speech and she is going to my oh-so-wonderful big brother's for Christmas.
I will miss her but it has compensations. For the first time since we met, Rich and I can make Christmas how WE want it and aside from going to his parents for lunch on Christmas Day our time will be our own. :::Thuds::::
I'm even planning to ride George out on Christmas Day morning. I have antlers for him. With bells on. He wore them last year for the first time and despite me worrying he would freak he actually seemed to really like them. George likes people looking at him. If it takes jangly bells to make that happen then that is fine by him!
We are also having FRIENDS around for lunch the day after. :::Thuds again:::: This has NEVER happened. We never see friends over Christmas because we are too busy running around trying to please everyone. But not this year. I am ordering a fillet of beef from our local butcher and making beef wellington.
I am actually looking forward to Christmas for the first time in years instead of dreading all the hectic running we usually do.
I haven't seen George or Rich today. Rich is working although I've spoken to him on the phone. George is slightly more complicated as he has no thumbs and can't pick up a phone! His horsey needs have been catered for all day though and I am sure he has enjoyed his day off.
And best of all I got all my info and confirmation for my flight to Detroit in November. Wooooo-hooooo I am finally going to visit my American family. Five years is waaaaay too long without seeing them.
All in all I am at peace with the world.