Feb 18, 2010 21:34

Character Name: Haydn Köhler
Nicknames: Chac (general online nickname), Xaphan (acquaintances only)
Place of Birth: Detmold, Germany.

Height: In the neighbourhood of five seven.
Weight: Slightly underweight, but close to healthy.
Hair Color: Black.
Hair Length: About midway down his back. Also, very fine and he never puts his hair up for any reason, but he can't do anything with it either.
Eye Color: Green.
Handedness: He's right-handed, but adept at using his left hand.
General Appearance: Very clean. He never really looks like a scrub.

Relationship with Family: Very very bad. He doesn't exist to them, and he likes it that way.
Key Family / Relatives: Mother (died when he was nine), various aunts and uncles and cousins on his father's side (hates all of them, as they do him), grandfather on his father's side (would never admit it, but respected him vastly)
Relationship with Friends: The majority of people he considers his friends are other hackers/online mofos, thus his relationship is casual at best.
Educational History: He attended private school before his mother died, and then various schools of varied worths while moving about with his other relatives. He did spend one summer at a very good private boarding school in London.

Skills: Hackiiiiiiing, general massive electronics knowledge, excels at math and physics, can in fact play the piano quite well (but to hell if you'll find out) and can also compose to some extent, independance and simple cooking.
Phobias / Fears: If he has any, I don't know what they are.
Bad Habits / Vices: Drinks too much coffee, tends to buy electronics and old gaming things without regard for the price.
Quirks: Smirks almost all the time. Is not attracted to women with long hair that's shorter than his.

Best Qualities: Personable, talkative, very intelligent, dedicated worker, never late, very organised, clean.
Worst Qualities: Likes to irritate people, demands attention (even if it's negative), enjoys being better than others, will lie if it suits, will avoid the truth if it suits, doesn't believe in relationships.

Key Childhood Experiences: Studying music and quitting music, his mother doting on him with what little she had, going to private school and doing very well, mother dying & beginning his tour de Germany with relatives.
Key Teenage Experiences: Resent resent resent, move move move, attention attention attention, grandfather smacking him into shape somewhat, THE INTERNET, grandfather dying.

Sexual Background: Pansexual with a minor preference for manly men but not overly interested in much of anything all the time; tops from the bottom, hates even the idea of a relationship, somewhat of an exhibitionist.
Morality / Ethics: He's a hacker but mostly for fun and a little bit for not having to pay for things. Also because he can. He is considered the most 'moral' among the hackers he knows, but he'll do anything, no matter the risk. Whatever's the most fun. That is mostly what his life is about. Enjoying himself and having a good time (and not getting caught).
Lies / Misinformation: He likes to get n00bs who think they know what they're doing caught or in shit.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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