Public Drunkenness

Nov 27, 2004 13:26

I showed up late. It was raining. I raced from work in my marshmellow poof coat only to find out I was lost. Two nice people directed me to the hidden entrance.

I couldn't stop thiking of my friend who ran away and got married in Vegas. And I am only so lucky that I grabbed her postcard with this before my parents saw it.

"I'm not feeling all to well," he said. "My throat hurts. I didn't get as high as I could on that one high note. You don't think so do you?"

"No. It was a little lower than usual," I replied.

"I'm not having too much fun tonight. I am sorry I cut a few songs short up there." Then he was a bit complacent. I told him about my friend and he kept saying he was sorry.

"Well, I don't want to feel sour all night. I am trying to entertain myself. We can have fun yet. Just you wait and see." He smiled after I said these words.

I had danced with Judy and Emily and so I took his bottled water from him and took his hands in mine. "Are we dancing?" he asked in a sweet voice. "I beleive we are," I told him looking into his eyes. He smiled for the first time that night.

He introduced us to his friend Nick. He looked board himself. No one was having any fun. Then Johnathon and I stared a clapping pattern to the music and I dragged him up by everyone else and made them all join in. We got half the crowd with us. Not bad. Then the song ended and we all clapped some more. We interjected obsense things while they took their 20 second break on stage. The band was going to do their last song then. So the five of us, Johnathon and Nick went in the very front and started the lamest excuse for a moshpit in a line. When Jon on stage had played his last chord, we were all in a good mood.

Johnathon talked to us for quite awhile afterwards and invited us to his band party. "You should go," he told us, as he looked at me. He gave us numbers and directions and we decided to meet there in an hour. I said bye to everyone there and bought a cd from The Starrs.

We met up again at my house and piled into Emily's car. And like usual, all the guys were late. Go figure. A girl answered the door with a cut off shirt and yellow checkerd pants. "Did they announce this in their set?" she asked. "No. They only asked the five of us," I told her, pointing at the car. "Oh," she continued. "In that case, you guys can come in around the back." She smiled.

We were the first ones there and became quite self-entertaining in front of the broken tv. The same girl who answered the door and brought a phone in. "Jon wants to talk to you."

"Hey yeah we are all coming. Don't worry. We have to stop [somewhere] and we will be there in 10 and the Runner Ups should be there in 20." About 20 min they all showed up.

For the rest of the night they played songs, mostly Green Day by the time the one guitarist/drummer/vocalist was drunk. Johnathon did all kinds of songs, including that one from the Darkness. It was really awesome. At one point it was me, Ryan, Jon, and Johnathon in the practice pad. Johnathon walked into the wall and half fell over. He stood up and turned around. He smiled at me again. "What?" he mouthed. "What the fuck?" I mouthed back. "Nothing," he said. And then he smiled some more.

Early in the morning we all decided we had had enough and told them we were leaving. Johanthon wanted to cry. So I gave him a hug and told him I would see him on Monday. "Say you'll stay," he said as I waved goodbye.
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