Most horrible news...

Jul 19, 2005 20:18

Ok, I just found out something horrible, some of you know khrystyne, some of you also know her father has ALS, it's a really serious disease. Well, he's not doing to good, and, if you have any human emotions, you'll comment on this, showing you care for fellow human beings. Such as Khrystyne and her family. This is'nt some stupid chain letter...I hate those, there fucking annoying, and retarted, and you yourself would have to be retarded to believe you'll have bad sex for the rest of your life, or your crush will call you, or someone will leave you... if you dont send a letter to someone else...or whatever. This is just suppose to show that there are still peopleout there with emotions and care about other people...if you dont care...fuck off, and suck my balls.
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