Apr 15, 2005 16:08
And those are the times we need, love.
Im in a happy mood right now. this is begining to get kinda weird. hehe.
So i am plain right sick of boys. seriously i want to just shove all their heads in toilets and hope they drown.
Last night i talked to jake. and jesus i was having crazy mood swings. like hed call me bitch and id get really mad and then id start laughing cuz i forgot. lol and in the end i hung up on him. but he called back and we almost settled things. he likes me again. but i told him i wanted to wait, because i mean, after all thats what HE said to me. so he can just know how it feels so have to wait your turn. and then he was all "just think about it" and i was like think about what? what the hell are you talking about? and he ment about me and todd and how i should just stop with him and go to jake. haha yea right. me, go back to jake and actually mean it, haha i laugh in his face. lol. i told jake he was my best friend and he was like "shut the hell up!" haha but i actualy ment it. as in my best boy friend.
Im so fucking pissed at people. its my life, i make my own choices and im sick of everybody giving me lectures about this situation. i know i might of have messed this up a little but, but dont make me feel guilty over and over and over. because honestly, im pretty happy right now at the point im at. so its not gonna break me down. so leave me the hell alone or ill knock your lights out.
Then i went to sleep at 1 something. and i got up today at 12:15. and i talked to my mom. and we were dicussing todd and tj. she thinks they are stoners and she thinks im gonna get into pot if i hang out with them. lol silly mom.
Then i watched tv. i watched that one bunny show . where they the boy can only one word the whole time. and tom and jerry. i think that is pretty much the best show. i wish i could marry it. haha then i could watch it all the time.
Now im waititng for katie to get home so i can come over. and im frankly getting bored! i went in my moms room and watched some crazy movie on lifetime and ate lemon cookies. and then i got up and was going back and forth snapping my fingers and she didnt even say anything. hahahaha that just proves how weird i am and how used to it she is.
Ive been getting headahces the last 2 days. hm..stress related maybe? yes.
So you know what i think is probly the most jackass thing to do? when you need to say something important to someone, but you cant right away, so you just leave it on their messege machine. thats like fucking brekaing up with them through a note. god, grow some balls.
Spin the china women.
Tomorrow my mom is going to black butte and bringing the dogs. im gonna laugh so hard when she gets back. because the dogs dont do very well in the car just driving 15 minutes. black butte is like 3 1/2 hours away. there is gonna be drool and hair allll over. haha. in the meentime ill be at my dads. and im going to return my moms birthday present.... and im getting a new cd! yes yes yes my dad owes me like 4 so he better get this one. im getting the postal service. im very turned on them. i kinda wanna marry them too. and raab himself. oh, if i could marry one celebrity it would be him. i would probly pee my pants if i could just meet him. or john patrick amedori. but raab, holy jesus woooo.
Im gonna call katies phone again. cuz its been like 40 minutes and she isnt home. and im flippin bored. i still have to pack. but that takes like 5 seconds.
Just in case you were wondering. im not wearing underwear. im wearing my bathing suit bottoms. i dont really know why....but i thought i would. and my shirt, says christina on it. because i am that much cooler than you.
Au Revoir