im about to lose control and i think i like it!

Apr 02, 2005 20:02


Gotta update for the last 2 days. i was gonna last night but i got too tired and accidently fell asleep on the couch.

So yesterday i woke up on accident. like i dreamt i was getting up and so i did. hah. then i got to school and.. dunno... um so in french! i told josh (?) that he got karl fired and he was all upset. hehehe and we took a test. i think i failed that. i was like second to last one done. haha. and okay so i pull out my star necklace and i show stepfanie and she shoved the whole flipping thing in her mouth! and then stuck it down my shirt! hahaha and my mom gave me it...

In math i pulled it out of my shirt but no one saw.. and we did our poster thing. i got to draw a tree!!! and a dog. it was pimping. seriously. hahah and ryan threw an apple at chelsies head! i felt so bad. and then corey walks up behind me and sticks my head in his jacket. i was like, okay....well.... ahhaa and we got to sit there for 20 minutes doing nothing.

Then stepfanie and some guy went and watched her play. we almost got caught again. and i ate some lunch. and uh... nothing happened.

And going to gym i gave ryan 2 pieces of gum for some jelly beans. they were so good! and me and spencer didnt switch clothes. cuz i thought hed stretch them out or something. cuz hed mess with them to make them fit and hed screw them up.

So we played hockey. and me and chelsie were bored so we called ryan. and left him a message. hah and then i got to play. and i got hit with the puck really hard in the leg and it made a red mark. it hurt... and then we went to the upper gym and we played volley ball with beach balls and i hit donny in the head. hahaha o my gosh it was so funny. megan was laughing so hard. thast the hardest ive ever seen her laugh. and we took our shoes off.

Then in ceramics i didnt feel like working and we had a sub. so for 50 minutes i didnt do anything. i just sat there and watched everyone else and talked. and then for 5 minutes i worked and relized i was pretty much done. just had to ask the teacher something.

After school i... oh! ok so i was asking greg if he wanted to go to the movie at the bottom of the stairs and he was giving me a hug and so im walking backward up the stiars and completly fall! and so he dragged me up the whole flipping staircase. that was scary. and then we walked to the commons and he rejected my invitation. and then i went with spencer. and then katie and cassie and that whole group. we walked outside except spencer said "i know something and im not telling you !" so i hit him and did not talk to him. then we went outisde and katie was flirting with tj and todd. todd. thats right. todd. okay so then i kept the pen they through and i went over to brandon and asked him to stab spencer but he wouldnt! and then greg came up and i told him to make spencer jealous. so he huggeed me and held me and then he had to go. and brandon threw the pen down my and shirt and i tried to throw it but then tj took it again. bastard... then i went to my car.

And so i got home and got in a huge fight with my mom. ugh. fucking a. then i had to get ready for the movies. so i got there and my moms all "can we be friends?" she uses that same line over an over. i want to just...kill her! but i got there and all these fucking 8th graders were there. soooo loud! i wanted to shoot them all in the heads. then i found spencer and chelsie and we went in and sat down. then they went to get food and the lights turned off and i about peed my pants! then they came back and we watched the ring 2. it was okay. it was so funny in some parts though. and scary in some. then we left and were making fun of all the 8th graders. okay so they are like runin into damn cars.

chelsie: im just gonna run and get hit!

spencer: woohoo!

chelsie: and i can die!

me: its okay i had subway.

hahhahaha i just really felt like saying that. then i ate all these stabutst and threw up. hahaha but at home. and then i was all tired and granite called me a bitch  i got all angry. and then i put an away message on and i got my phone and a chocolate egg and i layed on my bed. with all the lights on. and i did just to think about...things i guess dunno. well thats what i did.  but i was gonna watch the movies he gave me and stuff. so i fall asleep in my room.

I woke up around 11 and instantly i thought "the egg!" and i looked for like ten minutes for that damn thing. then i found it and ate it. haha then i went downstairs and ate a piece of cheese and orange juice. and i watched drake and josh and full house. o my god the funniest thing happened on full house. i was like dieing on the couch from laughter. ok so michelle is having big feet issues. joey and her sisters walk in.

Joey: its okay michelle. you see, my head is shaped like a toe. and people called me toehead.

michelle: no its not.

danny: joey, the term toehead is used to describe little kids with very blonde hair.

joey: get, completly, OUT!

hahahaha o my gosh it was hysterical! then i went upstiars and got ready and cleaned and my mom left. so i really want spencer to come over. so i just tell him to come over. and i start rapidly cleaning. and then he gets here and i tell him if my mom comes to sneak out the window. so he got his shoes. hahaha! and my mom came home and wasnt mad thankfully. and we took jake for a walk and that creepy guy talked to me.again. and then we came home and watched airheads. good movie... hehehh and then my mom went to a blazer game. hm. yea.... spencer tried to rape me.... but i dont want to talk about it....haha just kididng yea right i could beat him up. then he went home and im doing nothing.

Spare me just, three last words. i love you, is all she herd.

Like a single Silver Bullet,
Shot right through my heart.
To prove I can survive,
Without you.
Got a single Silver Bullet,
Shot right through my heart.
To prove I can survive,
Without you.

So i tried calling jake. he didnt answer either phones. i left a message telling him his machine is gay. i am hyper and have the hic ups. haha! o my gosh i just told brandon to raise his hand, say santa claus and laugh like mad person and i am laughing so flipping hard my eyes watering. hahahaha

TresgRassEvachE: whats up!
DannyboyKills : Nothing important.
DannyboyKills: How about you?
TresgRassEvachE: home alone
DannyboyKills: Sounds like the begining of a horror movie... or a porno

i love him.

ok well it is now 1:05. i got a hold of jake. we talked for a long time. god he is so funny. "bursht of energy!" hahaha ok so im going upstairs and i fall and i got a rug burn on my arm and both legs! then i tripped over the vaccuum and fell. and fell off the chair. good night...

Au Revoir

Last May at brennas baby shower: me, jordan, mommy, brenna, sharmane, krista.

Black butte last year. we really connected.

Look how cool we are.

My cousin rhiann in chicago. havent met her yet. but she looks a lot like her brothers already.
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