Feb 06, 2005 04:23
Here it comes!
So i have 2 surveys that i found and would just love to share with you! but ill do two different entries. and then probly another one later tonight.
Nickname(s): sina, tina, x-tina, peewee, whore, christanka, chistina-poo(ha), and a chunk more.
Initials: CMG. its like smidge!
How old do you look?: i dont know. people have had different oppinions. i guess my own age though.
How old do you act?: depends on when.
Glasses/Contacts: nopers.
Braces: no! those things are long gone!
What makes you happy? my friends, my family, food, and more, but they also seem to make me sad too.
What upsets you? when people forget about you.
First best friend: Laura Anderson at school. but before that this boy named jacob i think.
First real boyfriend: um...i guess trent tiedeman.hehe
First real memory of something: when me and natalie were at our babysitters and we were planning to escape at nap time from our cribs and judy came in and we pretended to be asleep.
First date: thats tuff. because the first few times was with other poeple. but i guess it was with greg at the movies.
First kiss: it was so pathetic, but with greg. if you can call it a kiss.
First screen name: i have no idea. it was like 4 years ago.
First self purchased album: um. i think the spice girls
First pets: my very own pet would have been Oreo my rat.
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First enemy: the death squad! haha that was so funny. me and my group of friends hated the prissy popular girls and made a name of the death squad.
First big trip:
First detention: NONE! heck yes. i almost did but i fooled her and she decided not to give me one.
First heartbreak: well my first real real one was jake. god boys are stupid.
First time breaking a bone: never!
First sleepover: hell if i know. but i remember always missing my mom and thinking my family was going to die without me so id go home.
First hangover: 2004.
Social Life:
Best girl friend(s):katie cassie sammie tiffany and stepfanie!
Boyfriend: i cant pick yet. o geez that sounds wrong. well i havent said yes or no yet.
Hobbies: soccer, reading, chilling wiht my homees, reading, and just random crap.
Are you center of attention or the wallflower: mainly, i am a wallflower. but when im with a group of friends, i let it all out.
Would you rather be with friends or on a date: well it depends on who.
Best hangout: um. i dunno. peoples houses i guess. but not mine. mine is like going to a prison cell.
Who- People:
Have known the longest: lets see. a lot of people in my kindergarten class. like laura anderson, sam hartfield, karli lizaraga, marci stucci, geoff getz, ashton miller and so on.
Argue the most with: my mom deffinitly.
Always get along with: people that i hang out with at school.
Is most trustworthy: katie ause!
Makes you laugh the most: katie, cassie, aaron, brenna, spencer, and ryan.
Most interesting to talk to: i think cassie. our conversations are so odd and random.
Has been there through all the hard times: katie and jake and spencer
Has the coolest parents: i have no idea.they've all had their moments..
Is the most blunt: ryan
Is the smartest: cassie. deffiinitly
Best Mannered: either sammie or tiffany. they are so poilte and clean and stuff.
Best Dressed: id have ot say katie has that fashion sence goin for her.
Most talkative: jake
Most Innocent: tiffany pays.amen.
Car ride: coming home from the blazer game last night.
Movie seen: well i started watching billy madison but i fell asleep.
swear word: fucking
beverage consumed: sparkling ice orange mango. i drank the whooole bottle.
Person you called: katie. i herd she was going to the library so i wanted it to ring really loud and her to get embarassed but she hadnt even left yet!
that called you: chris/jake.
TV show watched: i dont really remember. i dont normally finish shows. i watch 5 minutes and change it.
Shower: well shaved my legs in the shower this morning. does that count?
Shoes worn: none today! my feet are going comando. but yesterday my black converse.
Item bought: uh... i bought pizza milk and a pop tart on friday.
Annoyance: having to repeativly go downstairs to get food for me and my mom.
Web page visited: this chicks Xanga and i found this.
Movie you rented: my mom never rents movies. and my dad rarely. i think donny darko in december.
CD you listened to: right now. bonnie raitt. i love her.
CD you've bought: my chemical romance. actually my daddy bought it for me...
Person you were thinking of: stephen. im so confused with him.
What are you wearing: well since i have ADD i was in the middle of changing and got distracted. blue jeans and a shirt with ladybugs on it from kindergarten that i am so wearing to school.
What song are you listening to?: not the only one.
What's the weather like?: completly cloudy and rainy. i adore it!
Current obsession: um. probly with matt. haha but it isnt a big one.but holy jesus he is so hot.
Current Addiction: cookies
Talking To: im singing.to no one in particular.
// Ver. 2 - Describe
--Your Heritage: french, english, irish, polish, cuban and probly other stuff i dont know about.
--The Shoes You Wore Today: remember, comando?
--Your Weakness: trusting people too much and letting them walk all over me.
--Your Fears: aliens, ghosts, stapplers, falling, and those things at the aquarium and zoo where you can see underwater , so its like a wall of water. that cold break at any moment. and the bears and fish could eat you!
--Your Perfect Pizza: cheese with a thick crust.
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: hm... gtting through more than a month. with him. yea, shut up katie.
// Ver.3
--What is your most overused phrase?: "you see..."
--Your first thoughts waking up: ten more minutes, then ill get up. and that usually turns to 50 minutes.
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair, height and eyes.
--Your best physical features: uh... i honestly have no idea. my nose?
--Your bedtime: your mom has a bedtime.
--Greatest Fear: falling
--Your Most Missed Memory: being with my whole family together in our old house.
// Ver.4
--Pepsi or Coke: coke. pepsi taste like sugar and coffee
--McDonald's or Burger King: burger king. although taco bell beats all.
--Single or Group Dates: if you dont know them very well, its eaiser with a group but if you are completly head over heels about them, single.
--Adidas or Nike: adidas
--Chocolate or Vanilla:vanilla. chocolate makes me hurl.
--Cappucino or coffee: i think cappucino...?
--Boxers or Briefs: Boxers fo sho.
// Ver.5
--Do you smoke?: no way man.
--Cuss?: when its needed.
--Sing Well?: i wish
--Do you think you've been in love?: i dont know. i didnt think i had been. but then why do i keep turning back?
--Want to go to college: not really. but im gonna.
--Liked High School?: yea i guess so. a lot more than middle school.
--Want to get married?: o yes!
--Type with fingers on the right keys: no! but i still type pretty fast.
--Get motion sickness: i do when i read in the car and its sunny. its really weird.
--Think you're attractive: no.especially not lately.
--Think you're a health freak: no. i eat like theres no tomorrow.
--Get along with parents: my dad and me are good. but my mom and me have problems.
--Like Thunderstorms: so much.
// Ver.6 - in the past 6 months, did/have you:
--Consumed Alchohol: yes. and damn it, i had fun.
--Have Sex: no
--Made Out: yea
--Gone On Date: yes siree bob
--Go To the Mall: uh huh
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no, i dont think ive ever done that.
--Eaten Sushi: um..let me calculate it...no i dont think so.
--Gone Skating: yes. and i failed terribly.
--Made Homemade cookies: if you count the kind were you cut them and put them on a tray.
--Been in Love: can you fall out of love?
--Gone Skinny Dipping: no. never. im too self consious of my body
--Dyed your hair: yea, but that was a while ago.
--Stolen Anything: i dont recall
// Ver.7
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?:ha yes.
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: hehehe...
--Been caught "doing something"?: yes. god, i always get caught!
--Been Called a "Tease": yeah....
--Shoplifted?: no. ive seen what happens if you get caught, and considering i cant get away with anything, im not willing to try.
// Ver.8
--Age you hope to be married?: 26 and a half
--Numbers and Names of Children?: 3 kids. 1 boy and 2 girls. i like the names right now, Darcy, Jane, and Troy.
--Describe your dream wedding: outside somewhere with a small group of friends and family.
--How do you want to die?: brandon made me think about this. either in my sleep from ODing, or have like one cut on a vein and bleed to death. sorry, that probly soudns really gross.
--Where do you want to go to college: i dont know!
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: an animal rehabilitator.
Thats only number one. so be prepared!
Au Revoir