They gave us two shots to the back of the head.
Man, i am on 3 different pills and i am getting really tired. so i take sleeping pills, my medication and cramp pills because i am having the worst. and they dont seem to be working much because OUCH. but the sleeping ones. ugh its hard to update now. but im doing it for katie. owee...
So friday, classes went by fast. oh geez i think i failed the odyssey test. uuuugh! im so scared. and i didnt do the map because i figured, what the hell, it cant hurt my grade and im frekaing tired. ah im nervous.
Then me and katie and tiffany went to katies and her mom picked us up. and we went to A&W. and hunter had this huge spider and was screaming. ahha i love him. and then we went to her house and cassie came over. um.. awkward. and we were playing with hunter. he took his pants off. and they have the most adorable dog. it was so cute. and they played DDR while i layed down and watched. i was so tired. and was trying to avoid making contact with cassie. and so we went in tiffanys room and no one could decide what to do so i went and played with hunter. i was having fun actually. except he kept trying to stab me with this plastic knite. then we went to the mall and cassie left and me and katie tried on a crap load of clothes at american eagle. normally im like "ew" to that store but they actually had some cute stuff.but expensive. ill get my dad to get some stuff... and we went all over the mall and sammie came! she makes everything so fun! and we all went to nordstrom and tried on a lot more and i bought a green tank top. i enjoy it. and then we were heading to the food court and as we are getting on the escalator i see a very familiar face and,
me: katie, do you relize who that is?
katie: no, who?
me: thats the fucking guy from cheveys!!!!
kaite: o my god!
And then she herd them say orange(she was wearing an orange shirt) and when she looked down one was looking so we assume they recognized her. ahaha! and we got subway. my sandwhich looked like someone obeese sat on it. and then sammie walks up and she has an elmo with her!!! aw i loce my friends. honestly, they are so good to me. and then we went to look for underwear at myer and franks but i discovered i only had $4. so we left. and then we played DDR again and i beat them when i was on the good mat. lol. then her parents decided we were too loud and need sleep so we played cards in her room and i was playing this game where i hum a song and they guess! katie kicked butt. then we went to the down down stairs. the scary one! and tiffany left her retainer upstiars and i lost the number thing so we ran upstiars! and i think she got a vcr too. and then we played more cards. and sammie made this scary noise and i about had a heartattack! then i got tired and we started watching mean girls. all of us in one bed haha. and sammie watched it with me but then i fell asleep.
So her mom woke us up at 9:45 and told us we had ot leave in 20 minutes! so i went home with katie and we got mc donalds on the way home and then i fell asleep on her couch and then my mom picked me up. and i sat on the couch for a long time. eventually fell asleep for i dont know how long. then i woke up around 8:30 and i went in my moms room and stated watching snl but i fell asleep till 5 in the morning and then i went in my room and slept. so i basicly did nothing that day.
Now for today. see my mom and paul were too drunk to drive home so they stayed at his house and then i got up at about 12 and watched more tv and my mom came home. and so i got ready and we walked the dogs. then we went to brennas and riley can almost crawl. its so cute. she just wobbles and rolls. then we went to costco and this guys was following me and wouldnt stop stairing! it kidna scared me... and then we went home. and i got bored again. so i called katie! because she found her phone!!!! and the remote we misteriously lost when i fell asleep. it was weird... and she tricked me! so i talked to jake and im going to his house tomorrow. and he invited cassie. god damn it! why wont he let me solve my own damn problems? errr its gonna be so awkward. im gonna sit there like a lump on his couch. possibly falling asleep cuz im so tired now and i gotta get up early.
So i still havent figured out how to get a background. but im working on it. i joined some community and thats about it.
Tomorrow im going out to lunch with my brother. i miss him. he undertsands quite a bit more than glenna. but its too weird. o yea, i gotta see her this week. damn it! ugh i dont wanna go. er er er!
Im exicted for my new classes. except i only found one person whos in my classes. in one class.
Well im gonna put my clothes in the dryer and sleep. im tired. plus ill post pictures later when sammie sends them.
Au Revoir
TresgRassEvachE : so u wanna move to japan?
DannyboyKills: Yeah, eventually
TresgRassEvachE: i wouldnt like that
DannyboyKills: Why's that?
TresgRassEvachE: i dunno. i couldnt stand absolutly no american things and the smell
DannyboyKills: You've been there?
TresgRassEvachE: no
DannyboyKills: Tisk Tisk Tisk!
DannyboyKills: Making assumtion about Japan
TresgRassEvachE: well china town smells
DannyboyKills: OMG!
DannyboyKills: HAHHA
Then he called me stupid.